Cannabinoids and Cell Apoptosis


Happy Sunday,

Haven't even rolled out of bed yet and the juices are flowing. I would like to see how everyone feels about a little abstract idea of mine.

Concerning cellular apoptosis. Could the argument be made that cannabis actually does NOT DIRECTLY deal with alllllllll of those diseases (cancer, MS, epilepsy ect) it has been hailed to help. Let me a nutshell...

I think the reason cannabis helps so much with such a large number of conditions is because it affects the body on a cellular level. It is what I like call a "cell inventory specialist". Cannabinoid receptors are found pretty much everywhere in the body all the way down to the red cells themselves. When CB receptors are activated by the "inventory specialist" ie cannabinoids, there may be 2 outcomes, nothing, or apoptosis.

Cells with a "bad inventory" such as various cancers or any type of foreign free radicals tend to go through apoptosis and die and passed out of the body through waste. My point is that the cannabinoids had no idea what was in the cell that shouldn't of been ie cancer or whatever. It simply checks for proper cell inventory and lets clean cells live and bad cells go through apoptosis. The cell does not distinguish as to what is bad in the cell, simply just that the cell is bad for whatever reason.

So in a sense, cannabis works a step below all of the diseases on the cellular level. Instead of being a miracle cure for so many diseases I wonder if it is simply a Cell Inventory Specialist.

Thanks everyone looking forward to your thoughts!