Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, questions

CHS can be relieved with antihistamine use see a doc

I KNOW poor self discipline is suspect in this Syndrome

azamax/ Neem Oil i use in my cooking

good luck
Ugh you do not use azamax in your cooking. JFC. You really should pay attention before crossing a busy street with your mouth full of poison.
Azamax is NOT just a fancy neem oil preparation. It is a highly concentrated product and is not safe for ingestion.
I am currently using mild hyperemesis to lose weight :) Have restarted smoking after 4 years off, as soon as my intake got serious i got nausea, massive reduction in appetite, and so far have vomited twice in about a month. No sprays on my weed, grown in coco using the CX range of nutrients and additives/smokenfeathers, flushed with only ph6 water for 8 days before harvest.
They say THCV will also help curb appetite. It would be really cool is someone could get a strain to produce more than a token amount of THCV. We had one cut several years ago that had close to 1% THCV, it was an unknown bag seed a buddy grew. It gave a buzz that had a slight "trip" effect. Like you would think you saw something out of the corner of your eye (often) like a light but you could never look at it directly. Happened to my friends too. It was a little akin to a LSD flashback but it just kept coming. He sent a sample out for testing and it was the only one that came back with any real amount of THCV. Interesting cannabinoid for sure.
Im smoking WW and GG#4, probably very low levels of THCV in both. I know that Dutch growers are working on making high THCV strains, likewise 1% is the highest i have heard of.
This appetite loss sure is useful, but if it worsens to full syndrome symptoms then i will be in trouble.
There is this particular feeling to the nausea from CHS that i thought was unique, but i recently realized that i had felt the sensation before. Its the same feeling as when i was a teenager and would play sports at 110% for a hour during lunch break without drinking any fluids, then guzzle warm water from a school water fountain.
That same gross crinkling feeling deep in my guts, then the waves of nausea which never led to vomiting when i was a teen but have caused it three times in the last 6 weeks.

On the good side ive lost a heap of weight from 6 weeks of mild CHS!
There is this particular feeling to the nausea from CHS that i thought was unique, but i recently realized that i had felt the sensation before. Its the same feeling as when i was a teenager and would play sports at 110% for a hour during lunch break without drinking any fluids, then guzzle warm water from a school water fountain.
That same gross crinkling feeling deep in my guts, then the waves of nausea which never led to vomiting when i was a teen but have caused it three times in the last 6 weeks.

On the good side ive lost a heap of weight from 6 weeks of mild CHS!

I'll just be fat ass then!! I've lost 40 lb over 6-7 years but when you're old and can't do to much with a great wife that doesn't let you go hungry then I'll take the fat without puking after smoking a joint. Good on you though for using an ugly symptom and turning it into an advantage.
Went to the Dr for a checkup, weight was lowest in 5 years, doctor could not work out how someone could loose weight in lockdown lol.
Had a bad turn on Sat night, had been jamming music, drinking (9 standard drinks), and smoking all day (plus 300mg of Venlafaxine and 60mg of Mirtazapine), night was over, had dinner, sitting on couch with cat feeling both very sedated, but still elevated from the music and kind of icky from a big meal eaten while super high / elevated.

Then my cat bit my finger bad - think his fang hit bone. The pain was way more than i expected, and after a few minutes i decided to go to bed. Sitting on bed i got bad CHS nausea. Felt really really horrible - was wondering if this was combined multiple drug intoxication death territiory - grabbed my bed bucket - nothing. Then things went blank....

Woke up sometime later face down on the floor. Realized i was lying on plastic sheeting surrounding my tent, so just lay there and puked.
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After about 60 seconds i realized i was not actually going to die, and very quickly returned to planet earth, binned the sheeting, cleaned up and went to bed. I think what happened is that the huge natural chemical release caused by the pain and shock from the cat attack pushed my already challenged brain chemistry over the edge. For a wee while there i really thought i might die, looking back it was similar to the fear from my one bad acid trip. (And i have always said that Venlafaxine is weak E thats packed for a 16 hour trip not 8 like the drug version).

I sound like a bit of a degenerate from this story, but the last time i had a drug spin like this was the mid 90's so this kinda stuff is not my norm!!! :)
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CHS Is no JOKE!! How about a morning cup of ( screaming Vomiting) trying to gasp a breath of air. Very Very violent shit man. Here is the story,
Smoke daily for years plus me and my gf. 3-4 times a day, Less when i`m working. We go through 4 oz between us in a month.

Blood test, Urine test,Electric heart test kgb egc or some shit. Pancreatic and Gallbladder checked out. Everything came clean and i`m a fat fucker too. I thought well my number is up with diabetes.
Girlfriend is happilly smoking away and has nothing.
I only buy legal weed here in QC. But I have my plants growing.
I love cannabis, it`s help me with a lot of things, and i`m looking for a solution to this problem.

Symptoms: can't eat, drink, can't hold anything in. Sometimes I drink lots of water just so i can puke and feel better. A hot shower or a hot bath heals everything until you get out of the shower. After you throw up you get sever cold sweats, and your cognitive states.. you don`t feel like being fucked with. You end up sleeping all day and night and maybe the next day it`s better. This shit happend to me two weekends in a row.

One theories that makes sens is that when you smoke your brain acts like anti nausea,( think of cannabis use for cancer patients) but your gut when your stoned feels different and wants vomite. So you have conflicting msg in the brain.
I`m hoping it`s some fertilizer or something because I don`t feel like permanently give up weed. I got 2000$ invested in growing my plants just so i can save money.