Canna using tips PLEASE


Im new at growing my own meds I grow outside in 5 gallon buckets using fox farms soil,I used canna Vega 15ml to 1 gallon of water 2xs a day my girls are all flowering I now have canna flora,im using 15ml per gallon of water 2xs a day I just realized (because ive never done this)that my flowers.may be full of nutes,and I may not be able to use them?I really dont know what im doing please help me thank you all in advance


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't add nutes twice a day. Once a week would be sufficient unless you're seeing a deficiency

Also why do you think you won't be able to use them?


Im just tripping that they will have too much nutrients and wont be any good? Over fertilized ive never grown before


I think I prematurely started the flowering process as well the weather has been bad in NV so ive been bringing them in to my spare room so theyve been 12 & 12

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Sigh, another case of someone who should have grown a house plant first.....Just to learn what taking care of a plant is and how to do it!

You know, nutrient bottles have instructions on them. Oh yeah, they think you already know HOW to take care of a plants basic needs.... about you spring for a book on growing. Cheaper then those Canna nutes!

This is a good one.

I should just sit on my hands sometimes - Screw it! I'm going to the beach - later dudes! Time to get blunt and soak!



Wow I just asked for help man I didnt think someone with such great knowledge could be so rude I thought that this is what this group was for not to be told basically what a fucking.idiot I am im sure wen u started some years ago you knew everything and never had to ask for help with all of your great plant knowledge thanks for basically changing my opinion if not only rhis group but this community in general your a very awesome person I hope you have a great day


Well-Known Member
Wow I just asked for help man I didnt think someone with such great knowledge could be so rude I thought that this is what this group was for not to be told basically what a fucking.idiot I am im sure wen u started some years ago you knew everything and never had to ask for help with all of your great plant knowledge thanks for basically changing my opinion if not only rhis group but this community in general your a very awesome person I hope you have a great day
Don't be offended but people get annoyed because threads like this come along everyday. There is a search feature (kinda sucks) but it'd help u a lot. If anything use google type in (type in what you're sesrching for)


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is an excellent plant to grow for complete beginners and the same goes for Canna nutes. Hundreds of thousands of beginners have used it successfully. Not the greatest, lots of rip off additives, but the terra vega and flores is decent stuff, fairly cheap and easy to use, decent NPK. The instructions suck though, they mention how much but not how often. Don't add it every time you water. And if you need to water twice a day you need larger pots. Water only for two days, then a day with the nutrients, then two days water only again, and so on. Or one day nutrients one day water etc. Unless/until you start seeing deficiencies. It's fairly weak stuff but using the Flores excessively is a quick way to get yellow plants, easy fix is (after watering a day) dumping more vega in it.

may be full of nutes,and I may not be able to use them?
Sounds like something you read in a forum. A plant turns nutrients into more plant, like leaves, branches and flowers. Check out a few grow journals and you can get an idea of how the plant should develop and look.

If anything use google type in (type in what you're sesrching for)
Funny, I always use