canna pk 13/14 in coco i need a refresher lol

red eyes420

Active Member
im in coco and 3 weeks from harvest.. do i water daily for a week with pk 13/14, i ask this because on the bottle it says 15ml to every 10L of water. but thats for hydroponics, so do i treat my coco like hydro and water daily with the pk 13/14 for a week? after that im going to use ripen for 10 days as directed then a 5-6 day flush and rip


Hey, I'm in coco and I use pk 13/14. When I hand feed I'll usually feed at.

Day 1 & 2 15ml to 10L
Day 3 straight water
Day 4 & 5 Dry out
Day 6 & 7 15ml to 10L

Hydro I just run it for six days at 10 ml to 10L

But depends on strain, the pk 13/14 will, if overused be noticeable the next day.
That's what I've always done, worked good for me anyway.