Canna Nutes with Sunshine #4 Advanced?


Well-Known Member
So I have been out of the loop for awhile and starting a new grow here soon but have some questions before I spend a lot of money. One thing I would like to know, is there anyone using Canna Nutrients with a Sunshine #4 Advanced mix and if so what the pros and cons and so forth? I am planning on buying the whole line of Canna and wanted to see if anyone had any insight about using these products together.


Well-Known Member
Love Sunshine Advanced #4 and have used it with Botanicare PBP line, but not Canna. If it's anything similar, I can say it's pretty easy to maintain healthy plants with Sunshine Advanced. Cheers hopefully someone will respond who's used both.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input Chillok! I have used sunshine #4 with a few of my grows but used a different nute line up. I was really happy with the results but that line up was bought out by Monsanto.....DUN DUN DUNNN! My girl found this out and said no way, which I agree with!