Canna Coco/LED grow!


Active Member
flower is 2 1000w, veg is the prob - couple 4' old school t12 tubes. next purchase is a new veg light. was thinking t5, but im leaning towards the leds. anywhere i can cut power costs helps, too...

checked out your current setup...looking pretty nice there man! when i move...I should have a spare bedroom at my disposal...

i see your liking the canna coco line so far...the coco holds a perfect amount of H20 for the ladies. Makes for even watering and

never soggy medium....and its reuseable (2-3 times). gotta love that! make sure you use some cannazyme...helps breakdown any detritus,

making it available as nutrients for later grows. bongsmilie


Active Member
I was wondering if a moderator could move this thread to where it should belong. The Grow Room > Indoor Growing.

Thanks and I hope this is not too much trouble. bongsmilie
hey man i really like your setup and the CFL's are a nice addition to amp up the lumens, definently punching my ticket for this crazy train. I'm incredibly curious about the LED's. I checked out that link on the first page of this journal. Intriguing, but do you know of any other companies doing LED's for these purposes. Id like to be a bit more informed before I invest that kinda skrilla.


Active Member
hey man i really like your setup and the CFL's are a nice addition to amp up the lumens, definently punching my ticket for this crazy train. I'm incredibly curious about the LED's. I checked out that link on the first page of this journal. Intriguing, but do you know of any other companies doing LED's for these purposes. Id like to be a bit more informed before I invest that kinda skrilla.

thanks for the kind words bro. i have an ebay 90w UFO that im using as a clone/veg light.

the clones i took last night (12) are hanging out under there as we speak. just finished setting them up.

theres a link to the 126w homepage in my first post. ive stopped researching recently...but the 300w
spectra looks pretty nice (cant think of the website).

i'm definitely looking to get myself another flowering light. really leaning towards that 300w...
going to need a few decent grows first so that i can afford a monster like that.

thanks for joinin in on this ride. should be interesting to say the least. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
#1 - It does produce nearly 5000 lumens (as stated on their website). im not doing a side-by-side grow here...just going with led/coco combo.

#2 - It's not a comparison. The reasons for choosing led vs HPS are due to me not owning/renting a place of my own and venting issues.

#3 - I know the a HPS can produce better buds, but it always depends on the grower. I've seen some pretty damm interesting results from some fellow RIU members on here using LEDs and/or CFL's. You guys rock.

#4 - The initial startup cost of the LED's was ok for me to absorb cuz i needed no heat issues and very low power bills...among other things.

#5 - When I'm renting/owning...I'll take a harder look at HPS and whether or not I can make it work. LED's may not give you what your looking for...but this works for me for the time being.

#6 - I have added some CFL's to boost the lumen output (i'm rocking 10k in there LED/CFL total) and provide some additional spectrum coverage to help get those ladies as fat as possible. I'd also like to add some more.
If I can get .5-.75g/W from those plants, for a second time grower...I'd be pretty stoked. The route I'm taking I think will provide a better overall growing environment given my
circumstances. The buds produced may not be as large but they will still be very dense and coated with resin. Makes me happy.

This is a work-in-progress.

I'm no pro.

This train is just getting out of the station.

Sorry for ruining your day. Thanks for your $0.02 though.

LED's make some people so unhappy.

Where's my bong? bongsmilie
quite possibly one of the best defence posts ever.
im feeling pretty bad now for poking you regarding the non organic thing, your doing everything right for you :)


not hating on the led as i just sold my ufo quad band 90w ,it vegged good ,but buds werent impressive,400 watt hid blows it away,iknow from experience,however your light models link states that it only produces 5000 lumens? wtf? i have 65 w cfl that give you 4000 lumens.i never could get the lumens stats for my ufo,but your led at 5000 lumens mite only work for 1 or 2 plants.

Just to jump in as a fellow LED grower,

that being said, i dont care if a light puts out 100k lumens, it doesnt mean anything, what matters is the spectrum produced and the intensity of that spectrum.

Oh and by the way, HarvestH, looking good my man!


Oh yea, i forgot to add that my first setup ever I used to go to the hardware store and look up the highest lumens bulb and buy a shat ton of them. I found out very quickly which ones work and dont work as well. My suggestion for supplementary lighting is t5 bulbs. they come in lengths of 1ft to 4 ft and they are very convenient because you can lay them across the base of your plants and you can buy them so that they string together(kind of like christmas lights can be hooked up one to the next and so on) this way you can easily move them however u want at any time, you only take up one outlet, and they are super skinny so they dont take up any room. These also are (in my opinion) the only cfls that you can get good results from. Look em up man! I have a buddy who does his entire grow using only T5 bulbs.

They arent very expensive either. Which is always a plus.


Active Member
quite possibly one of the best defence posts ever.
im feeling pretty bad now for poking you regarding the non organic thing, your doing everything right for you :)

haha no worries there Dave. That post wasnt supposed to be a defense

post...just started ranting. then it looked like it need some numbers.

ill see how this crop smokes. might look into some real organics. lol but for

now...i do have a lot of coco/canna to use first


Active Member
Just to jump in as a fellow LED grower,

that being said, i dont care if a light puts out 100k lumens, it doesnt mean anything, what matters is the spectrum produced and the intensity of that spectrum.

Oh and by the way, HarvestH, looking good my man!

yup...thats why i really like leds. they are dialed in to the correct

spectrum and give you lots of it...without the heat!

im going to have a look into those t5's. would be a nice

addition for sure. imagine the possiblities! haha

Small update: ladies will be moving tomorrow night to their new home.

gonna be a night mission! pics of the new setup to follow. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3719874]Sounds good man, i will be posted[/QUOTE]

hehehehe i dont know why i laughed, but i just had visions of someone shoving a post up your ....


Active Member
The ladies have offically been moved. took them on a 3.5 hour drive with

minimal damage. some of the girls had their stalks bent (unintentional LST) but

they have all recovered fine. When they arrived I just kept them in the dark (as

best I could moving from a car...into an apartment buidling...and up to floor 4)

and gave them 18/6 for one extra day and they perked right back up straight.

After a day of that, I flipped the switch to 13/11, last night off at 7pm, on

today at 8am, off tonite at 7pm...etc). i'm going to keep them this way until week

5 (when the buds have completely set in) and then I'll go back to 12/12 for the

final 3-4 weeks. This method is supposed to help to increase...well...

everything. Gonna give it a try this cycle and see if it improves bud size/quality

and resin production. I'm still convinced there is a way to tweak current conventional

cannabis growing methods in order to take advantage of what LED's have to

bring to the growing table.

Sorry I don't have any pics..I won't be at the grow show again until later this week. Nothing special...they are just chilling in a closet, which happens to fit them perfectly! bongsmilie


Active Member
how come your not using canna boost thats the secret to it all, looking good good luck

Actually, I've heard of the product but when I was speaking with my local hydroshop, I was advised that the 5 bottles I do have (A/B, Rhizo, Cannazyme, and PK 13/14) would be enough. What exactly does Boost do? Does it boost all growth or is it just flowering specific?


Active Member
I forgot to mention that I do use a foliar spray from Advanced Nutrients called: Dr. Hornby's Colossal BudBlast (20ml/litre). It contains Alfalfa meal, Krill meal, and Seaweed meal, which is basically what CannaBoost contains. The special ingredient in both is triacontanol. Triacontanol is a naturally occurring plant hormone that acts as a growth promoter. Triacontanol raises plant yield by improving photosynthesis and cell division. Triacontanol is found mostly in Alfalfa. Easiest way to make your own is by dissolving alfalfa tables in water. I went for the pre-mixed CBB approach and picked up 500ml for 23 bucks. I'm not sure if its still being produced..I think its been replaced by another Advanced Nutrient product (the name eludes me). I spray the ladies down with it every few days. I have noticed a huge increase in mainstem/sidestem thickness and length. It seems to be doing its job alright (although I dont have anything to compare it to). I waited until each plant had a minimum of 3 sets of leaves before they got their shower. I'll do this right up until week 3 of flowering (once bud formation gets going).


Active Member
good info on the alfalfa. im off to the health food store first thing tomorrow. maybe mix in some seaweed juice too...
Question: Can LEDs even penetrate paper... Just curious... JK man dnt mean to bust ur balls but I had to. GL with the grow. Like the setup.