Canna Coco Grow medium tips PLEASE


Active Member
How long until you should start using nutes?

Anybody else using this soil or have any tips for me? Will be much appreciated, my first time using this.
Surely your wouldn't have no nutes untill 3 weeks or so. And even then you'd probly start with 200 ppm and work up. Don't go on my advise I've never done canna but, I've always wanted to. I've heard great things


Active Member
Yeah it was highly recommended to me so i said what the heck, ill get some decent soil. Im just trying to find out as much out as possible about it. Im not using the corresponding nutrients though
Sorry no ones helping ya, seems to be a fad on this website. I've been trying to get some input on my soil mix for a couple days meow... I don't remember what forum it was but google "jberry" or "coco growers unite" it's a giant thread of a guy who really knows his canna coco. All the info I know, I got from jberry well before I joined this forum.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you didn't get any answers because your question is so amateur and not organic specific. Don't take that as an insult please I just mean that in this particular thread I think people are working mostly at a higher level so when someone calls coconut coir "soil" they just don't feel like giving someone a day 1 lesson- add to that the fact that if you tell someone to use the Canna Coco fertilizer with the Canna Coco coir then that's not at all organic.

*'Canna Coco' is not "soil"- if by soil you are referring to some kind of potting mix or the earth in your back yard. It Canna Coco is 100% Coco coir, which is made from the husk of coconuts. It is technically a hydroponic material because if you grow using it you are soil less. It can be used by itself or added to a potting mix for a similar result as adding peat moss. One of it's pro's as a stand alone media over rockwool is higher oxygen holding capacity.
*By itself out of the bag, it's very near to inert. A simple way of looking at it is that it's a material where the only fertilizer that is in it- is what you put in it, just like rockwool. Beware of salt build up though. You should determine a regular flushing routine such as once a month give it a big flush or some people do one water fertilizer one feed water alternating.
*It breaks down but not before the end of a single grow. As it breaks down I think it releases a little bit of phosphorous. Generally people will only use it once and then dump it to start new for the next grow.
*You can use hydroponic fertilizer, coco specific 'hydroponic fertilizer' or some people use bottled organic. Apparently it has calcium and magnesium problems at times so some brands sell a supplement for that you can add. The main difference between the Canna regular hydro fertilizer and the Canna Coco is Fulvic acid which helps nutrient availability. Not sure if Humic acid is in it too but that would also help.

So to specifically answer your question now- you start fertilizing it the same time as you would if it were in rockwool or any other hydroponic media... which is not immediately but start a quarter strength fertilizer once the seedling is established and about to start growing into a little plant. If you start light and read the leaf colour the you'll be safe.


Well-Known Member
PS. From my experience using it, it was pretty good and easy. I have used canna coco fertilizer and also used flairforms regular hydroponic line with good results. Make sure you have no less than 15% run-off (ideally more) with each water to avoid salt build up but on top of that also flush it through with water every month or so. Also I forgot to mention that although you adjust the ph of every water and feed- the medium itself buffers itself into the right zone naturally. Keep it moist but not wet.