Canna Butter question...


New Member
Good day,
I really new to this site and am just exploring the forums. I have a question...I'm making Cannabutter for the first time and a question came to mind during the second hour of simmering...can you use the same Cannabis more than once - to make more butter?

Or could I make "effective" Cannabis candy if I put the cooked cannabis in honey and heated it in the oven?

I guess what I'm really asking is "Is all the THC out of the cannabis used to make Cannabutter?"




Hi dargon,

IMO, basically, no, It's not worth it to try and reuse the same weed. Unless you're talking about massive amounts, a pound or such, then maybe yeah, but i don't think that's what you're planning right? Also I'd be slightly worried about reheating the same material, dont know if a second run would over heat it or over decarb it...

What I would recommend you do is strain it with a lot of force, that is to say, press the fuck out of it to get the last bit of oil out from the plant material. I'd rather have impurities in my butter than leaving some of it in the weed.

Lastly, If this is also your first time eating, then take it slowly! If you don't think it's hitting you, wait AT LEAST 90 minutes before having another dose. Start early in the day hahaha. Try and have an empty or emptyish stomach, that helps a lot.


Well-Known Member
well...gonna chime in here ;) I have reused my strainings before. I put them in a pot of milk and simmer on very low for an hour or so. It is pretty damn strong too. Also, some of the residual butter that was left in the weed will come out into the milk and solidify on top when you cool it.

you can use the milk for, well, damn near anything :)

Also, are you doing a water method for your butter? If so, you can 'wash' it a time or two after the initial squeeze. Pour hot as your hands can stand water over the weed and go through the whole squeezing process again, and again if you want.