Candida CD1 20 cbd: 1 thc is making me feel stoned? Help

Honestly looks like good old coke.

Powder/crystalline structure. There is 1 way to tell legit grown hemp cbd from synthetic made cbd. Legit hemp cbd isolate will (vape) have a taste flavor profile of berries. Not a lot of ppl know this.

This is my migraine treatment.
Little distillate and some cbd isolate.
Damn.. what does the profile look like? I'm looking for cbd beans and not finding much other than good luck chucks.

I don't think there are any surefire beans available.Candida-1 was the best I could track down. They gave me some critical cbd as freebies. From what I can tell the known cuts all came from people hunting seeds hit or miss.
I have access to testing and plan to test each of the CBD strains I have . It is the only way to know 100%

Cheers :)
Bora Bora freebies are my long shot for a high CBD profile :-P

Not willing to pay for a guess at a cannabinoid profile unless it has long reputation.

I would pay for reputable cuts.
Bora Bora freebies are my long shot for a high CBD profile :-P

Not willing to pay for a guess at a cannabinoid profile unless it has long reputation.

I would pay for reputable cuts.

I agree. The price on the Candida was why I am willing to risk the cost of two packs to find a keeper. I practically got the 2 packs Mothers Little Helper from cult classics for free. I hope in time the cuts become more readily available. I have zero access so figured it was worth a shot. If I find something good I am willing to share as much as possible. It is far too hard to find .

Cheers :)
I much prefer to grow my own verses buy isolate.

Just ordered 10 master hemp seeds from Spain. 32/1 CBD/THC ratio. 30% purple flowers, pound per 13 foot plant. Sounds like a real fun. Outdoor and greenhouse grow next summer.

Had good luck outdoors with med gnom 1 and Charlotte Angle auto. Charlotte Angle is a great all CBD smoke. Smoke for a quick effect and edibles for long effect.

I really really like CBD.
I bought 3 seeds (candida cd-1) from gyo seedbank. 1 survived . It struggled outdoors and ended up with about 18g dry which i made into a tincture. I smoked some leftovers and i feel it to be mildy psychoactive . Gave me a little rise in heart rate, slightly sleepy stoney but overall relaxed Im super sensitive and cant tolerate much thc due to it triggering major panic attacks and would say my plant yielded maybe 2 to 3% thc as a wild guess. Its definately low but not sub 1% . I grew 2 dynameds from attitude seeds which yeilded one bud each . Havnt sampled them yet. Im in aus and quality cbd is very hard / expensive to aquire. So i will be trying this strain again next season, with a bit of luck finding more viable seeds. Cheers
I bought 3 seeds (candida cd-1) from gyo seedbank. 1 survived . It struggled outdoors and ended up with about 18g dry which i made into a tincture. I smoked some leftovers and i feel it to be mildy psychoactive . Gave me a little rise in heart rate, slightly sleepy stoney but overall relaxed Im super sensitive and cant tolerate much thc due to it triggering major panic attacks and would say my plant yielded maybe 2 to 3% thc as a wild guess. Its definately low but not sub 1% . I grew 2 dynameds from attitude seeds which yeilded one bud each . Havnt sampled them yet. Im in aus and quality cbd is very hard / expensive to aquire. So i will be trying this strain again next season, with a bit of luck finding more viable seeds. Cheers

I just finished growing Charlottes Angel CBD, it doesnt make me feel stoned and i got 18g off each plant also was super crystally, very happy with it will be getting more. If youre growing outside you should get autoflowers that might help you out a bit. -cheers
I just finished growing Charlottes Angel CBD, it doesnt make me feel stoned and i got 18g off each plant also was super crystally, very happy with it will be getting more. If youre growing outside you should get autoflowers that might help you out a bit. -cheers
Sweet, ill give it a grow next season :) which seedbank did you get them through? im impressed with candidas effects not too stoney. ( though seed viability was 1 out of 3 through gyo seedbank. I think i didnt decarb my tincture well enough so lost most of the yeild. After straining tincture i threw out the leftover buds thinking they would be spent. But i did save a few gram of leftovers which i sample smoked and was pleasntly surprised with the relaxing effects . This is huge for me as i have zero tolerance for thc so looking forward to growing more cbd and hopefully producing seed at some point.
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