Canceled classes, a cry-in and more


Well-Known Member
Ithink whats most surprising is the fact that people actually expected him not to win. A facist country can now finally have a propper facist leader, no more pretending at least now we all know. It totally proves the point that the majority of americans are totally and completely fucked up for electing such a piece of work lol. May doom be upon yous!!! cause you deserve it :P


Well-Known Member
giving them trophies for just showing up or coming in 13th sure doesn't help
right.with no winners and losers and everyone getting a 'participation trophy' everything must be 'fair'. which is exactly the word I've heard on some sound bites. one clip through all the sobbing all I could make out was,"it's not fair!" but my favorite was the young lady crying with so much rage,the only thing I could really understand was "FIX IT!!" Like a child wanting mommy and daddy to come along and make everything right again.smdh
cool,protest but Jesus have a little dignity.


Well-Known Member
Eltomcat at a trump protest in Portland last night saw someone get shot..describing A hole in a man's leg next to him, and several shots fired from what he described as a small automatic firearm from a young male
During which time flash bangs tear gas and other tactics were used by police to calm the riot

A majority had to vote this man in. Its crazy there's such an uproar. Such a divide in the feelings of the people


Well-Known Member
I remember working the day of 9/11, it was gut-wrenching.

My daughter told me 8 teachers were out "sick" yesterday.

I was working on the northwest side and listening to Howard Stern on the radio when the first plane hit .I thought it was a bit for a minute and then I could tell it was real, after the second plane hit I climbed off the roof and went inside the building and saw everyone huddled around a TV set. I finished up piping the rooftop unit and packed up my tools n went home ..quietest day I've ever seen in Chicago, it was very odd and I don't think I'll forget it. No planes in the sky, traffic was almost non existent. Nobody really on the streets.


Well-Known Member
I was working on the northwest side and listening to Howard Stern on the radio when the first plane hit .I thought it was a bit for a minute and then I could tell it was real, after the second plane hit I climbed off the roof and went inside the building and saw everyone huddled around a TV set. I finished up piping the rooftop unit and packed up my tools n went home ..quietest day I've ever seen in Chicago, it was very odd and I don't think I'll forget it. No planes in the sky, traffic was almost non existent. Nobody really on the streets.
That had to be scary as hell being in a major city. I remember thinking, fuck, WW3 just started. Such a sad day.


Ursus marijanus
Ithink whats most surprising is the fact that people actually expected him not to win. A facist country can now finally have a propper facist leader, no more pretending at least now we all know. It totally proves the point that the majority of americans are totally and completely fucked up for electing such a piece of work lol. May doom be upon yous!!! cause you deserve it :P
This post makes me so angry. The lack of respect for the distinguished citizens of the most august (remaining) world power. I will soothe my rage with this big VAT of domestic Pinot.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
People are just shocked, it will pass.

I remember when michael dukakis lost my grandmother cried. Such is life.

We have a reality tv show host for our president this is the new normal.