
funny you ask....Canada is different everywhere you go, if your moving here i suggest either Toronto Or Vancouver like you said. I use to be around a lot of Americans as i lived in buffalo during my younger years playing for a hockey club down there, and to be honest the majority of the people from there are absolutely retarded and could not tell there head from there ass.Is education different there from anywhere else in the U.S. can someone answer that for me?
The quality of education varies in each state. Some states are stupider than others. Everything in US is broken. I'm tired of the rich getting richer andthepoor poorer. US does not take care of their own.
i almost shit my pants driving down the 190....two blacked out suv's with sirens on coming up a lane over but they got off at the exit i was paranoid as shit :| who was that police? highway police? anyone know? be Canadian eh - girls in mukluks, the huskies, ice houses, seal meat, whale blubber, snow blindness, wind burn....I could go on and on.

That is the stupidest thing ive ever heard, no one i know lives in a ice hut, ate seal meat, whale blubber. and it only snows for like 4 months
If your going to move to Canada !!!!!DONT MOVE TO TORONTO!!!! its not the center of Canada (sorry to any one from Toronto but its not so nice there) besides the best weed is found in B.C. and some of the real primo shit is found on Vancouver Island and the surrounding gulf islands. I'm biased because I'm from the Island, but I've been all over and its definitely easier to get the good weed on the Island. Hell if you trip you probably knocked over someones grow show and if you did, thats all right cause the guy who owns it will more than likely just blaze with you anyway.

As for Tahoe's post--I've had the wind burn and seen the girls in mukluks and been snow blind. Never been far enough north for the seals or the whale blubber. Ate a Bison burger on my way to Fort.Nelson onetime though.....meh just a thought
ya im from toronto and ive been alot of places and smoked alot of weed and cearid is right bc has amazing weed and toronto has its ups and downs same as anywhere lol
Tru that, Torontos not as laid back as the Island and that scares people like me :)
its not that I got anything with Toronto its that I'm afraid
haha ya its a pretty scary place if you dont know where your headed lmao where i am its pretty laid back but im growin indoor so.. im not to worried
I figure I'm luckier than you though we only get snow 4 days out of the year on the island unless your one of those crazy people that likes winter....Blah..
Moving to Canada to grow weed is like being Catholic and renouncing your faith so you can masterbate without guilt. In the long run it dosent make any sense. The taxes in Canada are rediculous. Beer is not cheap eiether. Niether is anything else. On the other hand Canada is like looking at the US through rose colored glasses. You can walk around Toronto all you want and not get mugged. In NYC you will, eventually. I'm NOT slighting ANY Canadians, but it seemed to me that Canada had no character at all. That is what makes NYC so charming, good block, bad block, crack block, gun block. Canada was boring to me.
On a good note Canadians are some of the nicest people I have ever met. Bar none.
i dont find us boring at all, if boring you mean theres not a shooting every 10 mins then i guess were boring lol
Ive been to Canada a couple times before, mostly in Niagara Falls and Toronto. The ppl there seem a lot better educated and talked a lot more proper then in america. Canada also felt a lot safer then in the US and it seemed like noone there was worried about crime becuz theres hardly any crime there. Last time I was there Canada was about 2 years behind America in pop culture. The weather is a lot colder too, I went there in the summer and it was about 15 degrees colder then in Cleveland, and Philly. Like the other ppl said though it seemed kind of boring to me. It wasnt that bad though I guess if i had a reason to move there I would, like if weed was completely legal.
Yeah, not having the chance of getting mugged or shot is boring to me. That is what makes Philly and NYC so exciting, to me at least. You have to be on your game. And know what you are dealing with. Unfortunately that is what Big City USA is all about.
Philly is a hot girl that wants it. Now! Toronto is a virgin with a headache after 5 hours of sweet-talking she might let you kiss her. Like I said boring and high maintence.
hang out in the jungle,,or jane and wilson,,or jane and finch,,or lansdowne and queen,,you want to get mugged,,go there,,we got gunfire,,shootings,,muggings,,drive by's,,you name it,,Toronto has it,,we are by far boring,,a good reason not to live right in toronro,,would be cost of living,,Toronto is expensive,,but just outside of Toronto is cheaper,,,,thats where I live,,but know of Toronto first hand,,cuz I just moved from there a year ago,,after being there 20 years,,anyway,,happy country hunting:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin

I fucking hate when my 600W HPS Melts my Igloo's Ruff, shit always happens around december.. its good for keeping seal blubber at a nice temperature tho....anyways

Early if you went to the right places in Toronto you'd be more then mugged. We have every Gang possible up here from the asian gangs, MS-13, russian gangs, black gangs, tamil tigers, hells angels and a shitload more.........we do have our share of shootings and murders just not everyday, I think Torontos a really good city and ive been alota places both in US and Canada. and Toronto by far is the best kept and best looking, some city's in the US looks like our crack district every where you go, as for B.C. ive only been to victoria briefly when heading up to whistler.
I personally like our igloos. I mean...they are double decker ones with tv's and everything. We just got electricity last year. Its great. The dog sleds make great transportation. I mean,....whatelse could we ask for? And our beer (not that I drink isn't like ..err..water) and ourWEED is the BEST!!!!!

Thats us Canadians eh. be Canadian eh - girls in mukluks, the huskies, ice houses, seal meat, whale blubber, snow blindness, wind burn....I could go on and on.
Well we'll all rally together and send all our bad asses over to YOU:dunce::dunce::dunce: so you can be more entertained.
Yeah, not having the chance of getting mugged or shot is boring to me. That is what makes Philly and NYC so exciting, to me at least. You have to be on your game. And know what you are dealing with. Unfortunately that is what Big City USA is all about.
Philly is a hot girl that wants it. Now! Toronto is a virgin with a headache after 5 hours of sweet-talking she might let you kiss her. Like I said boring and high maintence.