

Well-Known Member
I need a personal chat with a serious Canadian. I have questions that have nothing to do with growing weed.
yea like whats with that CANADIAN BACON!?!?!? HU? its not bacon... its like... procesed meat in little round slices!!! GRRRRRRR
Thanks for hockey you Canadians oh and good weed and john Candy and neil Young but not The Barenaked Ladies
Thanks for hockey you Canadians oh and good weed and john Candy and neil Young but not The Barenaked Ladies
yes,,I am Canadian,,and I agree,,not the BareNakedLadies,,but did you know,,a Canadian also invented Basketball??

Keep on Growin

HoLE be Canadian eh - girls in mukluks, the huskies, ice houses, seal meat, whale blubber, snow blindness, wind burn....I could go on and on.
sorry hadda answer again,,after I saw the ??,,I love my country(drums start tappin),,and I'm that greatful,,there is nothing I can say bad about it,,(trumpets kik in),,from east to west,,north to south(full orchestral band sounds),,HoLE stands at attention and wails,,,O Canada we stand on Guard,,,,,,for,,,,,theeeeeeeeeeee:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin

i dont have a problem with it,,we are already a very compassionate multi-cultural country,,so whats the big deal if we let in a few Marlboro smokin,,shotgun totin Mericans:mrgreen::hump:

Keep on Growin

I can say as an american that we tend to really like canada, never heard a bad word about it, well not since the French Indian War or since Tie Domi retired he was an asshole but other than that I never heard a bad thing about Canada....
i dont have a problem with it,,we are already a very compassionate multi-cultural country,,so whats the big deal if we let in a few Marlboro smokin,,shotgun totin Mericans:mrgreen::hump:

Keep on Growin

Well, I don't smoke cigarettes or own any type of gun, can I still move there. I have been looking at Vancouver.
I take bribes in 1/4lb increments - taste and potency tests are mandatory - prior to gaining entry!
funny you ask....Canada is different everywhere you go, if your moving here i suggest either Toronto Or Vancouver like you said. I use to be around a lot of Americans as i lived in buffalo during my younger years playing for a hockey club down there, and to be honest the majority of the people from there are absolutely retarded and could not tell there head from there ass.Is education different there from anywhere else in the U.S. can someone answer that for me?
couldnt tell ya pryex...ive never been to buffalo....but there must be something goin wrong up there..cuz im american, and i know my head from my
I know my head from my ass... barly... but I think I know the diference... youre head smells better right?