Canadians Read.


Active Member
A friend of mine (Not me) wants to buy MJ seeds through the mail (Envelopes) he knows how to do this without getting caught. He is looking for all/any canadians who have spare seeds, or some seeds they can sell. Prices are negotiable.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine (Not me) wants to buy MJ seeds through the mail (Envelopes) he knows how to do this without getting caught. He is looking for all/any canadians who have spare seeds, or some seeds they can sell. Prices are negotiable.
risky post :shock: um yeah just order some from a seed bank that is reputable...


I would go to a seed bank for the seeds. Not to say the persons who frequent these forums are not trustworthy. I just don't think it would be the best option to pull a tom dick or harry that noone really knows. I would go to a professional dealer.


Well-Known Member
True DAT! man i live in canada and i personnaly think you are wastin your time just bought my seeds at a store no probs like dude,... its canada. I dont know where u live but here in ottawa i just go to a store and purchse them legite style. PM me if you need any details but dude dont be sketch. Happy growing.