Could part of the problem be that Canada taxes people on residency and not citizenship? Are there tax reasons why non citizens don't take up citizenship? Do Americans living here pay taxes in the USA where rates are less? If they pay Canadian income tax, permanent residents are fine, if not there is a problem, besides the other problems of healthcare and pensions. However, we do want to increase the number of citizens, or at least replace those who are dying, so encouraging citizenship, shit or get off the pot, among permeant residents, might be a good idea, if it is a problem. I do know we tend to favor immigrants of child bearing age, families and perhaps many of the permanent residents don't fall into this category, refugees always go for citizenship.
Maybe it is just the result of a more global culture, with more people moving around the world. How do we compare with similar liberal democracies in regards to permanent residents?
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I could give you a few reason why people dont want to get citizenship over perm residency it takes forever.
i have to be here with green card/perm resident for over 10 years before i can go get citizenship thats alot of time, so you have to factor time into place
Travel: you can only take your citizenship stuff at certain locations, it costly it costs more money paper work it takes forever
And lastly and the most important
When you get citizenship in a place you immigrated too, you often if not are asked to RENOUNCE your other citizenship, as a canadian i would never want to do that. While the majority of first language speaking english people can find out that a large sum of countries allow dual its actually not the first option youre given. Its like they try to hide its a thing, its weird. it puts off weird vibes.
So here they will often push you to give up and renounce yourcitizenship and not mention you can have dual citizenship so imagine youre a second language english and now youre being told you must give up and renounce your country
its not an easy choice .
Im here as a perm resident in america, I have a child here who is american but has dual citizenship to canada, and i still dont want to become american. and i will never want citizenship here
Its a difficult choice , its not like getting married its like renouncing your entire life away and making a dead set decision that can NEVER be undone.
I can never tell what the future holds why would I do something that could potentially ruin my life.
As a perm resident I can do everything here in american and still be canadian, I still pay taxes etc.
In terms of taxes, no taxes are not less. perm residents have to pay tax in all countries theyre residents or citizens too. theres some differences to each case, for example i dont own any property in canada so i dont pay canadian taxes anymore but i pay american, an american citizen would pay canadian tax and american federal /state taxes.
not sure about other countries but like im sure its similar