Holy fuck, shit for brains. One minute you are calling me an asshole and the next you act like we're buddies. Bi-polar much?
Just like bitching about Quebec is not racism, there are actually only two genders. You either have a penis and are male or you don't and you're female. Anything other than that is a self-appointed title based on 'feelings'. I could declare I'm a unicorn - but that doesn't make it true. I don't care what people want to call themselves or who they choose to sleep with, but unless there is someone out there with a reproductive organ other than a penis or a vagina that no one has heard of, there are only two sexes.
Stop letting yourself be so easily manipulated by the gender confused. The people you should fear are those you continue to piss off with your idiocy. Now here's the plan. You fuck off and do not reply to my comments in a ignorant, condescending manner, and I won't laugh and ridicule at your ridiculous airhead educator theories.