Canadian pot companies came up way short on sales expectations. So what happened?

Never really was just two genders, though.

Stop letting yourself become so easily manipulated. The people you should fear are politicians and lobbyists, not marginalized minorities.
Holy fuck, shit for brains. One minute you are calling me an asshole and the next you act like we're buddies. Bi-polar much?
Just like bitching about Quebec is not racism, there are actually only two genders. You either have a penis and are male or you don't and you're female. Anything other than that is a self-appointed title based on 'feelings'. I could declare I'm a unicorn - but that doesn't make it true. I don't care what people want to call themselves or who they choose to sleep with, but unless there is someone out there with a reproductive organ other than a penis or a vagina that no one has heard of, there are only two sexes.
Stop letting yourself be so easily manipulated by the gender confused. The people you should fear are those you continue to piss off with your idiocy. Now here's the plan. You fuck off and do not reply to my comments in a ignorant, condescending manner, and I won't laugh and ridicule at your ridiculous airhead educator theories.
EVERY commodity RELIES on import and export.
It is just a known fact that some years your country will not be able to produce what it needs.
Maybe due to plague, fire, storm or drought.

Until we can freely trade there will be constant hiccups.
And yet you keep trying to get yourself embarrassed, coming for more again and again.

Keep on throwing the insults, you're only revealing what you fear most about yourself.

And get bloodwork done. You may be a pain in the ass, but you gotta stay healthy.
I'm not embarrassing myself, idiot, you are. "fear about myself"? What are you on? You think you're some kind of brain shrink now. I hate fucking doctors and teachers and you try to pretend you are both. I doubt you've ever left your mom's basement, idiot. And stop worrying about my health - it's none of your fucking business, goof.
Not that it matters but I agree with either have a dick or you don't.
1 + 1 = 2 genders me anyway.

Now if you wanna go around dressed like Princess Margaret....have at it.
But it doesn't mean the rest of us won't think WTF is that !

You know....ok...sometimes I wear a Tiara ......but it's only to make the goat think I'm royalty.
Holy fuck, shit for brains. One minute you are calling me an asshole and the next you act like we're buddies. Bi-polar much?
Just like bitching about Quebec is not racism, there are actually only two genders. You either have a penis and are male or you don't and you're female. Anything other than that is a self-appointed title based on 'feelings'. I could declare I'm a unicorn - but that doesn't make it true. I don't care what people want to call themselves or who they choose to sleep with, but unless there is someone out there with a reproductive organ other than a penis or a vagina that no one has heard of, there are only two sexes.
Stop letting yourself be so easily manipulated by the gender confused. The people you should fear are those you continue to piss off with your idiocy. Now here's the plan. You fuck off and do not reply to my comments in a ignorant, condescending manner, and I won't laugh and ridicule at your ridiculous airhead educator theories.

I sexually identify as an attack helicopter

And? Do I need to put up the picture of a baby seal being clubbed for you to get your comment says more about you as a person than Korea as a nation?

Besides, how do you think your burger got on your plate? A cow wilfully donated parts of its flesh to feed you and now it lives happily on a farm in a far away place that nobody seems to know?

Still believe in Santa as well?
They no longer club seals. They shoot them with a 22. Hapiks are rarely used.

And do you have pet seals? It is a marine mammal that is eaten and the fur used to produce clothing. They are incredibly overpopulated due to a lack of predators and other conditions.

If people ate wolves and coyotes no one would care. But they eat mans best friend so its a problem. Maybe they should raise guinea pigs or giant rabbits or something.
They no longer club seals. They shoot them with a 22. Hapiks are rarely used.

And do you have pet seals? It is a marine mammal that is eaten and the fur used to produce clothing. They are incredibly overpopulated due to a lack of predators and other conditions.

If people ate wolves and coyotes no one would care. But they eat mans best friend so its a problem. Maybe they should raise guinea pigs or giant rabbits or something.
Seals lose their cuteness really quick when the eat the salmon off your hook while you're reeling it into the boat!
Boycot schwag....get a tent and grow it.

2 x 2 or 2 x 3 tent fits in a small place and you can get 2 oz a month when you get it going :)
Looking at buying a tent - 3x3 with l.e.d.'s - to play around with some 'rec' plants. My med garden is in a different location, so I can have 4 at my house. I'm building a greenhouse for the outdoor this summer too -