Vancouverseedbank.ca carries all joti and brown dirt warrior strains
There is nothing wrong with dutch genetics just depends on the strain/breeder I'm in northern New England and my hardiness zone is much worse then BC Early Queen and Early skunk MNS will work cheap as fuck too if you hit up the auction at mrnice.nl actually nobody has even bid on them yet and there is only 2 days left you should get them both less then 30 and 18+ beans even the g13 skunk should work I'd probably PM Shatibaba at his forum first but I know hes got a few more that will be good or actually there are a few canucks on his forum too.stay away from the dutch seed companies when looking for outdoor varieties for short season, unless autos. i've had more trials than tribulation with anything dutch for short season outdoor.
dr.greenthumb is quite expensive (realy expensive!) but he has many strains for outdoor that work well,produce nicely and have quality product in the end as well. i have tried a few iranian Xs and have had nice sucessfull seasons. iranian X chemdog was great! next generation has a few that have worked well also. give either of them a look at or just most about any canadian company has some tailored for outdoor conditions in short season.
If you go too Jordan Of The Isles website he has links to all of the seed banks that carry his shit.How does a guy get a hold of those brown dirt seeds? Also just curious where u get ur joti seeds from. They don't have all his strains listed at the depot
Good looking out bud, do they ship to US as well?Vancouverseedbank.ca carries all joti and brown dirt warrior strains
The jumbo grizzly ill be picking up for sure this yr. anyone order from Great White North. Wanna try the manitoba poison and lethal purple there is just absolutely no reviews I can find on theses places?Kootenay seeds, early grizzly and jumbo grizzly are known to be reliable producers. Stay safe. Peace.