Canadian Outdoor Auto Grow Log

June 23rd, 2022

Taking off with the heat. Heat wave coming up this weekend with temps in the high 20c low 30c (85-95ish F)

Also, a few more seedlings popped out. O


Gorilla glue #4

Annunaki OG

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July 24th, 2022

First half-strength feeding of Maxibloom today. 1/2tspn (3.5g) per gallon of tap water Ph’d to 6.0.

Mixed weather but some good sun.

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feeling the heat!! Start of a 3-4 day heatwave today and the plants are loving it. Seem to be loving their dinner from the other day as well!
No watering today. Amazing how well the pots are retaining water with that promix.
June 27, 2022

Supposed to get hot today around 90f/30c. Fed them a day ahead of time Because the pots were pretty light.

Feeding was 5.8Ph and 280ppm, which is 80 over what I wanted but was a rushed batch. Could have also been because I took the reading out of the dusty watering can I was using.

Having minor issues in garden with flea Beatles on all of my seedlings (tomato’s, everything) and saw some biting on my tiny Northern Lights. Dusted all the plants with pyrethrum to be on the safe side.
June 28th, 2022

Leaving them alone today, just a few photos. Taking off after yesterdays feeding!

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June 29, 2022

Another feeding today, this time the full dose of 1tsp Maxi/gal. 5.7Ph, 430ppm, 0.8EC

Found this little guy munching on my Northern Lights. Treated all of them with pyrethrim dust just to be on the safe side. I’ve seen grasshoppers devour entire mature sunflowers before, so not taking any chances. 726ABBDA-6810-4885-9E1E-01E990171376.jpeg
June 30, 2022 (End of week 3)

Just a few pics! They seemed to handle the 400+ ppm feed ok! Had to water the tiny seedlings a bit (not shown) but other than that leaving them alone. Oh, and had to do a pretherin dust one one as well. Being super aggressive on pest control early to prevent future full-on infestation. The bugs usually come in phases so hopefully this flea beetle wave will be over soon.

Northern Lights, Gorilla Glue, Gelato, Green Crack

July 5th, 2022 (Week 4)

Feeding: Upped to 550ppm, 6.0Ph. This will be the max I go until flowering.

Seedlings received ~100ppm, 6.0Ph (First ever feeding)

Did LST on all my smaller seedlings, and on half of my older plants. I know the Green Crack can get tall, so did that one for sure. Did the larger Gelato as well just to get the hang of how it works.

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July 6th, 2022

Did absolutely nothing with them today. Sometimes best to just let them do what they’re supposed to do.

No signs of burn from the last feeding, which was pretty high I have to admit: I did over 400ppm one day, and 2 days later did over 500. I realized how stupid that was after the fact but seems to be ok. Maybe it’s because the Ph was high enough (6.0) and the Promix buffered it a bit? No idea.

I also have no idea what I’m trying to do with LST. I think the later you start the harder it is.

A couple pics while watering the garden…

July 9th, 2022

Big drench yesterday with Ph’d water. First straight water without feed for a bit. Some photos…

July 13th, 2022

Just a few photo updates. Growing like crazy now.


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July 14, 2022

Canopy shot.


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July 15, 2022 (Evening)

Gave them all a big drink of Ph’d water after a hot day. Should be good for another 2 days of 30c/90f weather. I normally don’t water like this but with the heat and the black grow bags the water goes quick.
July 17th, 2022

Feeding: 500ppm large plants (5weeks), 200ppm small (3 weeks).

Edit: Just noticed my smaller plants are already shooting pistils at 3 weeks. I spent less time focusing on feeding them, so it’s interesting the difference between those that had more attention and those that had less. Shows me exactly how easily autoflowers are triggered.

Overall shot. First 4 plants are 5 weeks. Tried uploading the smaller ones but wouldn’t let me.
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