Canadian Cannabis Rules Changes Ahead: An Industry Insider Perspective on MMPR and Legalization

The gov's gonna get a surprise. eliminating the BM is NOT going to happen. LP's will get their asses handed to them n see.
You can't force folks to buy. This problem is not going away..only going to get worse imo.
force doesnt work when it comes to buying pot!

Good weed is where its at indeed! Someone will figure it out :lol: Maybe not. ;)
I agree Hippy, they cant get their shit together enough to even put up a decent fight. I mean it is possible to take down an ubiquitous system with a better one. ie Napster vs itunes. but it has to be better all around - cheaper, better taste, known THC values, convenient. It is the "strictly control" part of their argument that is going to make the whole thing not work.
Nothing - we are nothing - I grew cannabis for dying cancer patients in the eighties - most of these little shit heads weren't born. They have a right to my heritage of cultivating relief - I am now restraining myself from saying any more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am not talking about MMJ and you can make the argument that all rec is actually MMJ since our culture is so hooked on prescription meds for anxiety, depression and pain. And i know there are a lot of smaller guys just making a living on growing for people they know. I am just saying there are these big corps lining up to take on the BM and i dont agree with that, but that is how things are looking.
Fair to the rest of them, who? millionaires? do you think it is an equal opportunity when you need $1M+ just to apply for a licence? i am not against home growers obviously. i am just saying they are creating an industry out of nothing in their quest to crush the BM and you have a society dependant on the government to support them. Why give it to the corporations lined up to be licenced producers with all ex politicians on their boards. It is an opportunity to raise up a people. They already do it for Salmon and in some places gambling.
So where are the natives coming up with the $ then? Any Canadian with financial means has an opportunity now. There are very few first nations able to invest that kind of money without taxpayers support. I'm not a fan of any LP but I want even shitty industries to be fair for all. Personally I'd like to see them all fail...regardless of the culture or race of people running it.
So someone wanting a sub panel does not require a certified electrician to install it and pull the tickets, is nothing? You way out if you think the gov give a flying fuck now that they have 32+ LP's and legalization on the go.
Perhaps if you don't have the know-how to install a subpanel, but homeowners don't have to pull permits if they do the work themselves.

Based on my recent experience of trying to get a homeowners insurance policy via Scott Wilkins, Insurance Co's don't care squat about electrical. I just had to sign-off that in "my opinion" the panel could handle growing MMJ. I can see some odour Reg's coming, but as gb stated...they can't force new electrical inspections for plug 'n play appliances....that in most cases are already CSA/ESA approved.
It is the "strictly control" part of their argument that is going to make the whole thing not work.

After the recent report of 6/9 illegal dispensaries "meeting or exceeding" HC's quality can be sure the LP's are making sure they're re-thinking the "strict control"! I mean if MMAR growers can exceed HC's standards (without being nuked), why are the LP's spending $M's trying to do the same thing? Oh that's right, the LP's don't know shit about growing Cannabis, let alone at scale.
Perhaps if you don't have the know-how to install a subpanel, but homeowners don't have to pull permits if they do the work themselves.

Based on my recent experience of trying to get a homeowners insurance policy via Scott Wilkins, Insurance Co's don't care squat about electrical. I just had to sign-off that in "my opinion" the panel could handle growing MMJ. I can see some odour Reg's coming, but as gb stated...they can't force new electrical inspections for plug 'n play appliances....that in most cases are already CSA/ESA approved.

Perhaps if you don't have the know-how to install a subpanel, but homeowners don't have to pull permits if they do the work themselves.

Based on my recent experience of trying to get a homeowners insurance policy via Scott Wilkins, Insurance Co's don't care squat about electrical. I just had to sign-off that in "my opinion" the panel could handle growing MMJ. I can see some odour Reg's coming, but as gb stated...they can't force new electrical inspections for plug 'n play appliances....that in most cases are already CSA/ESA approved.

Each municipality has their own requirements but it all refers to "minor" work. Putting in a sub panel from your main panel and running 8g wire is not minor.
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I love the speculation, seems some other rational minds are coming forth. We will get hmm 25 max. Thats if its 5gpd mmpr and mmar plant count. Well you ask "i have this this and this wrong with me, how am i going to survive!?" well the fact is they dont care. Canada is or was the only country to go by gram per day. Bitch and moan all yall want but it wont solve anything. Im with @CannaReview you want to be a DG? expect to be in a industrial unit with above board electrical and setups. Expect to have insane amounts of insurance. I dont like it all i can say is me and my family ( hopefully aswell as @doingdishes ) will be taken care of. Dont get me wrong this sucks, nothing about it smells right. The problem is, if you think you matter to your government YOU DONT! They have buddies to take care of in the financial sector. You know, the place the governing officials go to once they need a job after working for the public.
Many exceptions as the link stated across the board...but for the most part, as long as the work is done to existing code DIY is fine, at least in my jurisdiction of ON. And, most definitely if you don't need to do anything to the panel, why would we need electrical inspection?

Other panel can handle my new Mig welder or hobby CNC machine for instance, but they run on 240v. As a homeowner knowledgeable in electrical, I run a new lead from the panel to a new 240v outlet. Should I be forced by the Gov to demand an inspection before I plug it in?
Many exceptions as the link stated across the board...but for the most part, as long as the work is done to existing code DIY is fine, at least in my jurisdiction of ON. And, most definitely if you don't need to do anything to the panel, why would we need electrical inspection?

Other panel can handle my new Mig welder or hobby CNC machine for instance, but they run on 240v. As a homeowner knowledgeable in electrical, I run a new lead from the panel to a new 240v outlet. Should I be forced by the Gov to demand an inspection before I plug it in?
GTA home owner can do the work without permits.
i had an idea and put in into the discussion paper. There is no need for the existing LPs to have any market share of rec market. if First Nations were given exclusive rights to the production of rec (with some outside investment/help allowed) it would solve both issues. I mean we are talking huge dollars at stake, why not create these jobs among our most poverty stricken and fucked over group.
Cause a large majority of their issues stem from substance abuse. Good idea, but I dontnt think itd fly
true, the majority have substance abuse issues. What is the least harmful drug? cannabis is loads better than alcohol. think of the crime and victim stats among FNs, massive. good paying jobs growing and trimming weed, all the chillax you can smoke. those stats get way better and fast.
true, the majority have substance abuse issues. What is the least harmful drug? cannabis is loads better than alcohol. think of the crime and victim stats among FNs, massive. good paying jobs growing and trimming weed, all the chillax you can smoke. those stats get way better and fast.
Funny how Obama came out a year or two back and said he thought booze was more dangerous that weed.
And yet now it's as if no one was listening. They have it completely backwards and never heard a word he said.
We have fancy legal intoxicant stores ( booze ) and yet they go on about cannabis like it's a more dangerous thing. Just makes ya feel like banging your head against a wall somewhere. Proof that the bizzarro world does exist right here.
Funny how Obama came out a year or two back and said he thought booze was more dangerous that weed.
And yet now it's as if no one was listening. They have it completely backwards and never heard a word he said.
We have fancy legal intoxicant stores ( booze ) and yet they go on about cannabis like it's a more dangerous thing. Just makes ya feel like banging your head against a wall somewhere. Proof that the bizzarro world does exist right here.
that will be a very fine point when it all comes out in the wash and they START comparing for the first time ever! ;)
It'll show hands down where the WRONG was put. 8) It's coming folks.
Next court case the shit is gonna fly even higher.(:
Oh they're gonna be pissed...I can see the right smirk on TJ's face now.
So sorry JT let the real truth come out and I thank you for that! :cool:
caught choke gag...goofball.
Your tune will change come aug24th @gb123 . The heads you want to crack will be HC and not rational thinkers. I hope I'm wrong. I want my original plant count + increase. I want no confinement to square footage. I want no confinement of wattage. I want no confinement on yield per plant. I want no confinement of extracts. I want my old storage. I want my 30 day possession limit. Il be jumping up and down ready to grow open and freely. Unfortunately something we have all learned early in life "what you want and what you get are 2 different things" If the program is any less then stated above I won't be happy. My mom has osteoporosis, my dad has stage 4 prostate, I just had reconstructive surgery on my leg and need 2 more and I have cluster headaches. My wife has arthritis, fibro, dislodge disk in her neck and a bone impingement in her shoulder. So believe me...I'm not fear mongering the masses I'm just being straight up. I can only hope people will fend for themselves in a time of need. HC has fucked me and my family around left right and centre. Come August 24th I don't like what I see il be opening my shop 1 way or the other and all my family/patients will be on retainer with a cannabis lawyer. Come get me.