Canadian 420 guerrila grow/ seed strains!!


Well-Known Member
yeah i heard thats a really good site , its not in Canada which was shocking to me the first time heard about it (its in england i think)..but hey its quick.

im a first time grower too , as soon as its around may im gonna start a small guerilla grow too bro. im only growing autos cuz im so interested in these little babies. I live in southern ontario.

hey , word of advice : dont get short ryder , they are the lowest quality of autoflowering strains you will every buy . they're usually cheaper in seedbanks cuz they not that good. Well i hope to see everything work out homez ! peace



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, i didn't order them yet i was going to 2morrow, but i am gonna drop short ryder, u have any other suggestions on strains?? i am gonna do 8 in pairs of 2 spread out near a forrest!!! i did some indoor so i have some experience not too much but i was successful i did 2 purple skunk from seed, used a t5 H/O 4ft florescent bulbs. and did pretty good. yea i am doing small gorilla grow to, good luck !!