Canada's Bill C-26. God help us all.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I believe this is tied up with the justice and human rights comittee right now, but for how long i dont know.
For those of you not familiar with what they're trying to do.

Holy shit, 6 month manditory minimum sentance for a SINGLE PLANT!!!
They claim it is to clamp down on gangs, but the fact of the matter is that it's about punishing the personal grower.

Personally i'd rather grow my own to eliminate the criminal element and know where it comes from, but if i can get 6 months for growing a few plants, i'd rather just buy it from some gang member.
This is going to drive up the price of weed, inevitably causing more violence to surround it.

This law is bad!

I can't believe it, but if this passes, I might have to move to the states because of our drug laws.


Active Member
Personally i'd rather grow my own to eliminate the criminal element and know where it comes from, but if i can get 6 months for growing a few plants, i'd rather just buy it from some gang member.
This is going to drive up the price of weed, inevitably causing more violence to surround it.

It seems like the law specifies that they would need to prove intent to traffic. (Based on the link you posted). So it shouldn't affect personal use, which I believe is a human right. No selling to anyone though.

I know the NDP will not support the marijuana sections of the bill, and I suspect the Liberals won't either. If the Conservatives have any intelligence (and not just idiotic attack dogs who can't speak French) then they will drop those parts quickly to help the bill pass.

It's interesting though: the reason the bill is held up in Committee right now is because the other political parties wanted to know why the Conservatives were cheating in the election in 2006 ('in and out scheme') and why they tried to bribe someone for a vote in the House of Commons (Cadman affair). The committee broke down because the Conservative chair didn't allow them to talk about anything. Later, an election, pro-rogue parliament, etc. Now they are just trying to get some 'red meat' for their far right-wing base who are mad and disillusioned about the deficit spending.

The Conservatives are finished and I have a feeling that pot will be decriminalized by the Liberals and Ignatieff when he gets elected soon.

Go vote next time. If you vote right-wing, stay home.


Well-Known Member
The Conservatives are finished and I have a feeling that pot will be decriminalized by the Liberals and Ignatieff when he gets elected soon.
Heres hoping. I feel like i'm splitting the left everytime i vote NDP, they happen to have the platform that closest fits my own beliefs. But i can't help but feel i'd be accomplishing more voting liberal.
Welcome the RIU by the way! :blsmoke:


Suprised this thread didn't receive much traffic. So quite a bit has happened since this post. This law bill would eventually be amended quite drastically. Still not a whole lot of progress under the conservatives. Would have been nice if Cali passed their proposition last month.


Well-Known Member
Suprised this thread didn't receive much traffic. So quite a bit has happened since this post. This law bill would eventually be amended quite drastically. Still not a whole lot of progress under the conservatives. Would have been nice if Cali passed their proposition last month.
non of the threads in legal edge get any traffic....