Canada Seed Shops near New York Border


New Member
are there any stores close somewhat to the New York/Canadian border that I can drive to, walk in, and purchase seeds? any names/links/info is appreciated. thanks!!
Hate to say this, but, its not a wise thing to do. Especially in the post 9/11 world we live in now. Seeds are easy to hide, but if they are found, you have to deal face to face with the feds. Fuck that. They are not going to give you a letter and send you on your way. You will do a few days in jail, at least. Add to that, bail, court fees, fines, plus attorney fees. You are crossing a national border with seeds that are clearly illegal in the country you intend to enter.
YES. Shitface L. Seedsender can send you seeds. If they arent yours then they arent yours. Just a bullshit package that a Canuck sent you, with the wrong address. Thats all. If you get it. Then you get it. If you dont, then you dont.
No search without a warrant. Period.