Canada growers thread

here little blackberry plant I think Ill keep flowering for another 2 weeks and check what will happen.
That shit looks amazing, loving the colours.
What is it blackberry? I've never heard of it i don't think. Where's it from?
And what are the terps on it?
Hey Hosers let's see what canada can grow eh!
show your pics good or bad or got questions, indoor, outdoor, soil or hydro all's good in here.
Hell we could discuss this frozen tundra we call home, igloos, polar bears or flying hockey pucks and that's all good too

Not sure how many of us are out there...but I have a feeling it's alot.

Happy growing Canada

Hello JustBlazin and Everyone in Canada
I am from the east side and very old ;)
growing weeds for over 30years and breeding for 15years

Mix-M134 (M39xSourGrape)x(SCDCxClementine)....:weed:
M134-B d70.. (1).JPGM134-B d70,,,.JPGM134-B d70...JPGM134-B d70``.JPGM134-B d70.....JPG
Canadianals I am looking for advice with Powdery Mildew. I am growing outdoors in Southern Ontario and last year I had to fight a small amount of powdery mildew in the last few weeks of flower. My solution was to strip most leaves and manage, I also tossed any affected buds.

Looking to get ahead of the game this year with some advice from any of you Canadian Growers. What are you preventive steps for fungus?

Here's a look at what I'm growing.
30 gal soil. 25% peat/compost/top soil/perilite. Ammended with Gia Green 4.4.4/2.8.4 and EWC/Compost teas.
This year I have added Gro Tek Gro Silic to strengthen the plants and hopefully ward of any problems.

Thanks for any tips in advance.

Milk and water for me. Keeps PM down and supposed to mess up soft bodied bugs.
That shit looks amazing, loving the colours.
What is it blackberry? I've never heard of it i don't think. Where's it from?
And what are the terps on it?
blackberry is from fastbuds, its an auto rated on 10 weeks to grow from seed to harvest. smells like small berries, and like earthy undertone. This is an indica. my friend talked about it a lot, I said to myself, why not!! and im really happy for now.. on the 10th week but will keep it fattening still
If it's OK with everyone I'd like to steer us back to where @Hobbes was.....saving money!
We Canadians may live in the land of Cannabis (now) but it's expensive here. Most everyone here is buying supplies online and I'm wondering if you've ever noticed that there's no tax on imports anymore? I bought a SF2000 a year and a half ago; it came from the States and cost me $392 without tax. I buy car parts from and they show up without tax. Just made the jump to 420 boards from Australia and they were tax free. Paid $36 in duty and fees on them and that's it.
I've been watching the Scorpion Diablo on the Canadian HLG site. They had a sale on 420 (20% off) and sold out. The light was $1900 and after they restocked it there was a price drop to $1820 BUT the one on the American site is way cheaper and you can use the RIU10 code to get 10% off there, but not on the Canadian one. I had a rant on another thread about it:

"Thanks for the tip but it won't work on the Canadian site. Pretty expensive here too; $1820 for the diablo and it doesn't go on sale as much as the US site. It's STILL on sale for $1189 USD this week too on the US site. Drop that 10% with the discount but add $120 USD for shipping to me in Canada. Plus there's duties to add. From my conversation with them:

For the duties, it would be 65-70CAD. I looked at the Canadian HLG site, and it doesn't show the sale on their website. I would recommend calling their number ( (604) 755-1665 ) and asking for the sale price on the Scorpion Diablo fixture. This will help you avoid shipping and customs fees.

Thank you for contacting HLG Customer Support

So I'm looking at $1189-119=$1070 USD
Plus 120 USD to ship to Canada=$1190USD
Convert to CAD at roughly 80 cents to the dollar=$1487CAD
Plus the duty of $70CAD=$1557CAD
Still cheaper than the $1820CAD on the Canadian site.
Guess I'll take Brock's advice and call the Canadian part and see if they can match that price. Or maybe I'll just order the fucking thing from the good old USA and be done with it. "

That's not an insignificant difference in cost. I wound up with the GLA lights but if you want a Scorpion Diablo why would you buy it in Canada?
I buy from two sites that are both in Canada but I think it's time to start buying from the US. Even with an .80 cent dollar, the prices are way lower, duty is pretty small, and there's no tax as far as I know. Who's with me; we'll start a list of sites that ship to Canada at good prices.
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Yeah we've met; you usually show up in my posts with your trademark laughing face. I just moved to cloth from plastic; my roots are happier but plastic is cool too.

You must not have made that big of a impression on me because sadly I don’t remember you. Anyways stay blessed and have a great day.