Can you "yellow" buds like tobacco?

I read on one tobacco site that it will ferment at room temperature just that it will take a year instead of a month. Similar with yellowing, it will also happen at room temp but it will take 2 weeks instead of 2 days. The yellowing temp is only 95-100 F, that's not even hot. That's like a day in Texas. The fermenting is only about 125 F, again, not real hot. I don't know what people are so worried will happen to buds if you yellow and ferment them like you're supposed to instead of selling weed that's still full of starch and nitrogenous compounds, because I haven't heard many growers say that they age their product for a year before sale, and nor have I seen many buds that actually have the chlorophyll removed. Most I see are still something other than gold or yellow, which means they aren't fit for human smoking yet. Others can prepare their products like the McDonald's form of bud or they can actually put the effort into proper yellowing and fermenting. Good luck competing.

BTW, the important thing about the speed fermenting is that the material has to be at least 30% moisture, preferably 35-40%. That's not RH, it's moisture level. 100% RH will only make plant material about 26% moisture. That's the maximum before water actually starts condensing. So it does have to be pretty moist. With tobacco they usually spray it with water. If you had dried bud at about 60% RH, it would be about 10-12% moisture. You would have to add about 1/3 the weight of that dried weed in distilled/deionized water to bring it to 30-35%.
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I read on one tobacco site that it will ferment at room temperature just that it will take a year instead of a month. Similar with yellowing, it will also happen at room temp but it will take 2 weeks instead of 2 days. The yellowing temp is only 95-100 F, that's not even hot. That's like a day in Texas. The fermenting is only about 125 F, again, not real hot. I don't know what people are so worried will happen to buds if you yellow and ferment them like you're supposed to instead of selling weed that's still full of starch and nitrogenous compounds, because I haven't heard many growers say that they age their product for a year before sale, and nor have I seen many buds that actually have the chlorophyll removed. Most I see are still something other than gold or yellow, which means they aren't fit for human smoking yet. Others can prepare their products like the McDonald's form of bud or they can actually put the effort into proper yellowing and fermenting. Good luck competing.
Do me a favor would ya? Get lost. Not interested in anything you have to say. Go extract some weed with iso or something. That's more your speed than advanced curing discussion. Though I must admit that "Lmao Trolololol" does sound like something Einstein would say.
"Aged/purposely yellowed" stuff? This is news to me, unless it's a specific curing method. Doesn't that mean that it's become withered/void, or? Isn't supple/sticky the goal, or am I missing the boat here?
This sounds risky but you could tell everyone its acapulco gold lol.

An associate tried to sell me yellow bud once claiming it was so. I looked at it thru a scope and turned it down. The THC looked very damaged and most heads missing.

I think he had mites and tried killing them with a bleach solution out of desperation. I know he had a lot of trouble with them before and refused to stop his perpetual.
Do me a favor would ya? Get lost. Not interested in anything you have to say. Go extract some weed with iso or something. That's more your speed than advanced curing discussion. Though I must admit that "Lmao Trolololol" does sound like something Einstein would say.

Do you like flavor in your bids though?
Or are you purposely trying to remove it
Good for you Bob ! When I designed my fermentation chamber I read up on not only tobacco but also tea leaves, white tea, green tea, black tea all the same leaf, different curing methods. There is also double curing on some tobacco and I have actually had success doin it to Cannabis
Dann that looks like it coulda been some dank..
I get purple bricks of Mex weed all the time that look like that

Such a shame