Can you win a battle against root rot.


Well-Known Member
I have been fighting this problem for a little bit now and feel that I have it under control.

How I got root rot - the Res water temp in a DWC went over 75f I now have a chiller, chilling the water to 64f - 66f.

Step I have taking to cure the roots -
1. Hygrozyme - did not really see anything changes.
2. Started with small amounts of H2O2 (few ml), it helped but not enough. So I stepped up the amouth of H2O2 to ~120ml (1/2cup) the plants seem to like to but further reading I find it kills good and bad stuff.
3. Well Iam now still using H2O2 slowing down the amount and tried Hygrozyme again (this product makes the res foam up). And I started using SM90 (18ml - 7g). I have cut all the long rooted roots as I feel they cant be cured and only causeing my problems.

So can this battle be won, anyone every one? or do you have to deal with it or control to the end?

:weed: :peace:
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Well-Known Member
i won a battle agains root rot, i got some Floura Kleen and put in in my res tank, then flushed her out, and waited, i started noticing new root growth not long after that. GL tho man.

Black Light

Well-Known Member
So root rot really only happens with standing water in soil like if you don't have holes in your planter and happens more in hydroponics correct?


Well-Known Member
yeah. I won the battle... not easy but. What i did.

Drained and flushed my res. put cold water in with h2o2 and kept my water temp at about 62... had a pump cycle my rez water threw a cooler full of ice. worked a charm. added new nutrition over a piriod of a week.


Well-Known Member
how much H2O2 did you use per gal? cause im getting now root growth but it seems like in a few days thats infected as well...


Well-Known Member
LMAO!! h2o2, how do people not know what this is? i guess it would confuse me too if didnt know my elements. all good tho. man, ive left dead roots attacted to living roots and nothin happen, its all a matter of cleanin them roots up and givin em a lil juice, maybe u should look into superthrive.


Well-Known Member
H2O2 dose help but it isnt a miracle cure. You need to keep your Rez below 70 or els it will come back. I did a clean up on my roots after but there was still some dead root left... the plants didnt seem to mind. Buy H202 from your local hydro store do not buy the shit from the pharmacy,3% to 6% shit dont work... actualy my plants hated it. Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) - The Garden's Cure get the 35% stuff... it works well for me... i would put 14-20 drops per Gal