Can you use this pressure cooker?

Does it hold 15lbs of pressure? And can you put jars in it and keep them off the bottom? I have heard the jars can break on the bottom of the pan.

A bigger one would be better.
Make sure there is a rack for the bottom of the cooker, this keeps the jars or whatever you put in the PC from burning on.the bottom. Put enough water so that there is about 1\4 inch of the jar resting in the water. Seal PC. Crank stove on high until that rocking nob on top of the PC starts to rock, once it's rocking steady but not too crazy turn.the heat down somewhere around medium to maintain a steady rock, you will have to keep an eye on it until you find the sweet spot and get a feel for how the stove and PC work together. Hope that helped some
Make sure there is a rack for the bottom of the cooker, this keeps the jars or whatever you put in the PC from burning on.the bottom. Put enough water so that there is about 1\4 inch of the jar resting in the water. Seal PC. Crank stove on high until that rocking nob on top of the PC starts to rock, once it's rocking steady but not too crazy turn.the heat down somewhere around medium to maintain a steady rock, you will have to keep an eye on it until you find the sweet spot and get a feel for how the stove and PC work together. Hope that helped some
You did a good thing.