Can you use human compost for growing ?

sounds like a shitty idea to me.

Where do you really think all the shit shat by humans go to? Its used as fertelizer in parks and shit, ask your local council. Its a pretty well known fact here in europe, and you guys shit 3,4 times more than the average european, so ye you are literally surrounded 3.4 times as much shit as we are, not to mention the ridiculous amount of bullshit you swim through on an daily basis.
Where do you really think all the shit shat by humans go to? Its used as fertelizer in parks and shit, ask your local council. Its a pretty well known fact here in europe, and you guys shit 3,4 times more than the average european, so ye you are literally surrounded 3.4 times as much shit as we are, not to mention the ridiculous amount of bullshit you swim through on an daily basis.
Where do you really think all the shit shat by humans go to? Its used as fertelizer in parks and shit, ask your local council. Its a pretty well known fact here in europe, and you guys shit 3,4 times more than the average european, so ye you are literally surrounded 3.4 times as much shit as we are, not to mention the ridiculous amount of bullshit you swim through on an daily basis.

obviously the pun of using the term shitty for fertilizer went right over your head...
Totaly unbiased here but if his thread bothered you so much why did you come to it in the first place? Just saying why go out of your way to talk shit why can't we all just get along and agree to disagree
Totaly unbiased here but if his thread bothered you so much why did you come to it in the first place? Just saying why go out of your way to talk shit why can't we all just get along and agree to disagree
The thing is I occasionally troll for lols so everyone gets a laugh but when I post serious threads stating I'm not trolling people just talk shit and ruin the threads.