can you tell what is wrong with this young plant ?!!


Well-Known Member
a problem has risen, today I noticed these two yellow brown spot (I beleive necrosis as the area has flattened ) what is this ??!

now 6 hours later the spots have increased in size and there is a larger area around looking ready to follow, theyre in a good soil on day 14 so i dont think thats a nutes thing



The Growery

Active Member
only worry if it effects new growth too man, I get stuff like this on younger plants, its just that they are so sensitive to nute ratios at that age. give it a week and I bet the new growth will look great.


Well-Known Member
It does look to me like somethings been splashed on it making the light burn it..... Dnt think its anythin to worry about ;-)


Well-Known Member
its 85 % organic soil

I didnt nute so it cant be that

not sure about the splash, I mean it happened over night
  • only worry if it effects new growth too man​


makes sense but its so young waiting that long could actually kill her if it spreads to the other 4 leaves ill just repot it in different soil (crappier soil)

The Growery

Active Member
seriously don't do anything to it right now, it will shock the plant, just let it grow. sing to it, plants like it when you sing to them. it doesn't look like anything to be worried about. you should see my leaves that start splotching, looks like the plant has the black plague but a week later when the new growth develops it looks like a healthy, vigorous plant. it's common to get splotching early in a plants life


Well-Known Member

could it be a ph problem ?, i used bottled water with a ph of 7.8 ! I wateredaround 1.5 (one point five) times during last week since i put them in this soil

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Your prob is that soil, its to hot for the lil sprouts. Id transplant them if you can, or there gonna just keep burning and they wont produce a healthy root mass.


Well-Known Member
hi dizzle, what do you mean by too hot ?

(the pots are in a very cool room to make up for the cfl heat )


Well-Known Member
I would think dizzle is referring to the added fertilizers in the soil.
Seedlings have nutrients for the first month or so and normally need no nutrients during this time.

Transplanting is probably a good approach, but don't stress over the issue. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Agreed... Yer soil must be too hot for the seedlings and young plants... Try a lighter mix with more perlite, peat moss, and non-nutrietive soil, until they get bigger, and become ready for transplant into a more nute-rich environment...


Well-Known Member
I repotted today after should be able to tell in 2 days if it was for the better, in the meanwhile it still is propagating


Well-Known Member
Well watering with 7.8 will bother some plants but not others...just like most what might work for some plants won't always work for all...but I truly wouldn't worry about those spots...just make sure you aren't overwatering and that the soil you use has really good drainage.


Well-Known Member
Oops...scrog beat me to So just water less and I think your issues will solve themselves...