Can you store cuttings or clones for future use???


Active Member
Secret? No secret.
I cut my clones at 3 weeks in flower. They root in 7 days, I pot them and throw them under 24/0 and they go into flower after 2 weeks of veg.. I take my next round of cuttings off those plants at week 3 of flower.. and the cycle begins again. I harvested every 3 weeks in a perpetual... no other way I could do it - other than I do it right???
You want to see pics?
give me a few minutes.

Edit: you may have to give me longer - getting an error when I go to search my threads..I'll post back. I do it. no reason to lie to any of you. You can't do it... sorry for your inabilities.. don't accuse me of lying just because I got my shit hooked up and you don't.
Theres something wrong on my end to. It seems to be the website itself if its happening to multiple people


Active Member
Taking cuttings is cake but bringing a mother back to take cuttings is a completely different thing.I take my cutting whenever I choose.I know all of my genetics are hermie free and 100 % female.In the post I was referring to you said you could reveg in a very short time.
It could be a genetic thing. Some may just regroup better than others.


Well-Known Member
I do.
The OP says he has seen others do it. Just because you can't... I dont' know what to tell you.
once I stop getting this message :
searchd error: per-query max_matches=500 out of bounds (per-server max_matches=0)

I will go over my old posts and find some pics for you that I've posted over the years and you can see my set up - that I don't have mothers - and that I harvest every 3 weeks.
I have pics of what they look like when they go into flower.

Hey Don't tax me... You've had them now for 3 weeks in the fridge? How are they looking?


Active Member
I do.
The OP says he has seen others do it. Just because you can't... I dont' know what to tell you.
once I stop getting this message :
searchd error: per-query max_matches=500 out of bounds (per-server max_matches=0)

I will go over my old posts and find some pics for you that I've posted over the years and you can see my set up - that I don't have mothers - and that I harvest every 3 weeks.
I have pics of what they look like when they go into flower.

Hey Don't tax me... You've had them now for 3 weeks in the fridge? How are they looking?
Nothing looked out of the ordinary. I actually already cloned the cuttings since than. It took a little longer than normal but still worked. I forgot to mention you may want to open the mason jar every few days of so, sort of like burping during cure. Don't know if you need to do this but that was the route I went.


Well-Known Member
Show me a Harvested Plant revegged in less than two weeks.Is this plain enough for you.?Cuttings are not revegged Moms Fellas.


Well-Known Member
So your full of shit bruv let ne see pics of clones took rooted and vegging properly under 2 weeks !! Ok they might root faster but no faster vegging than any that are took in veg imo i do it for conveinence check my old journal !!
Never said clone rooted and re-veg under 2 weeks - I said -
I get roots in 7 days.. I pot them and they go under 24 hours light - 2 weeks of that, and I have new growing shoots. 3 weeks total.


Well-Known Member
Show me a Harvested Plant revegged in less than two weeks.Is this plain enough for you.?
Sure thing.. once I can search through my posts again.. plain enough for you?

Edit: I like how you went back and edited your post.. who said anything about re-vegged moms?
I said I take my clones and have enough time to root and the plants kick out new vegatative growth by the time they go back into flower within 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Moderate? That's what you're doing here?
Looks like you're just trying to call me out on shit... that's cool.. you should then also know I can't - at this moment - search through my posts.. try it yourself and you'll see you get an error.. if I didn't have pics, why would I go looking for them to know I can't access them right now.
Do what you need to do - if I can't get into them tonight, I'll get them up for you tomorrow :)


Well-Known Member
Ok Cowell when people post tips on growing it is the responsibility of all of us to give accurate information.I am not singling you out bro.Imagine you are Joe Blow and you think your Mother plant is going to reap cuttings in two weeks after harvest.This could cause them to give up.The last thing we need is to discourage the newer growers in the process of becoming seasoned.I have no doubt you are a great cultivator.So lets bury the hatchet and get on with things.Peace.


New Member
maybe he wont but im calling bullshit.......................your taking clones from a clone thats been two weeks since rooting under 12 12 and doing this over and over.............your plants would be complete freaks..............ive rooted and revegged too many flowering clones to believe this is true...................u should start a magazine or a website or sumthing u surely are the greatest grower in the world


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with the 2 of you... Like how you deleted my last post too. Way to censor the boards Super Mod!

Wayne... I am not going around saying I am anything of the sort.. I'm telling you what I've been doing over the past year.. I have threads up about it. ( I wasn't even telling YOU about it I was talking with the OP about my timing)
I'm saying I put my clones under 24/0.. several times I've said that.. not 12/12.. where do you get this shit?.. same as buddy editing his post to make this sound like I'm saying it about mother plants and shit... go re-read my posts. I said I take my clones from plants in 3rd week of flower.
I then let them root (seems to take ME about 7 days to do this)... at this point, I pot them - they are still under 24/0... after 2 weeks, I get veg re-growth and they are fired back into flower... 3 weeks after they are in flower.. I take a couple clones off each plant when I lollipop. and the shit starts over again.
You can call bullshit all you want.. LMFAO.. it's all I've done for the last year... with no mother plants, run on a 3 week perpetual harvest. How could I have fired clones into flower every 3 weeks, and harvested every 3 weeks on a perpetual grow set up if it takes a month and a half to get rooted clones ready to go? I'll put them up don't worry.. I don't see it as an amazing feat.. I see it as normal. If you can't do it.. I don't know what to tell you... works for me.

And I'll say it again Hydro.. I'm not giving anyone advice right here - I was talking with the poster about my set up and you and cheesey here feel the need to put me on the hot seat cause you can't do what I do.. no biggie... Like I said, once I can go through my posts, I'll show you - and you can both STFU and sit down with a pen and paper if you want to learn.
Again I'll ask you both again so you can avoid the question..again - You've tried to re-veg under 24/0 have you? (see I'm not talking about 12/12 - or mother plants you guys are.)
I have a few things to do today.. but I assume that I will be able to search my posts at some point today and try and find something I've posted over the past year or so.
but I'm still getting this error..
searchd error: per-query max_matches=500 out of bounds (per-server max_matches=0)
Maybe a mod could find out what's wrong..
hi im new here and i was just reading here and it all sounds good to me.i have rooted clones in 3rd wk of flower and had them revert to veg after rooting in 3 weeks..easy as pie! i still use mothers but i usually keep them vegging for two months.i leave one smaller of them as a mom.thats how i keep a steady strain going if they look good in that 3rd flowering wk. i just reverted a finished harvested plant of unknown because it was so two wweeks under 24/7 bamm i got decent rejeneration growth. i always veg under 24/7 with a 250 mh on every plant stage even fem seeds.never a hermie 'knock on wood".recently im experimenting with 18/6 since i added an auto to veg room :))