Can you self-pollinate via rodelization?

Does it just depend on if it makes the banana(s) soon enough? Because sometimes they'll make the bananas and no pistils will be white?

Sometimes they'll send out clusters of new pistils. It may work out and it may not. You can always use the pollen on a different plant. That's how I made my first cross years ago.

If it's something you really want to keep you could try revegging after harvest. Then make a couple of clones. Reveg one and pollinate the other. You'll have seeds for years that way.
Good questions. I’m trying one now. Been in flower over 2 months. No new pistols. May have to collect the pollen ,will see. CCA145C6-0274-4930-8994-F57061AAD336.jpeg
the answer to your question is yes you can..........

little reading for you....
Sometimes they'll send out clusters of new pistils. It may work out and it may not. You can always use the pollen on a different plant. That's how I made my first cross years ago.

If it's something you really want to keep you could try revegging after harvest. Then make a couple of clones. Reveg one and pollinate the other. You'll have seeds for years that way.
I did a seed run with one years ago and prolly have around 10000 seeds or more of one strain.
Since then. All I have to do is pollinate a branch or 2. Still end up with thousands each year
Obviously, if you wanted to make a cross . Then leaving a female to stress hermie (Rodelization ) would be fine,long as your timing was correct.. but pollination very late in flowering produces little to no seed from my experience, including self-pollination, if she hermie's early in the flowering cycle , then the earlier the hermie, the more seed you will get ...........pollen collection and storage is very easy ..can keep for several years under the correct condition in a freezer