can you root a clone without hormones?


Well-Known Member
Lets just say if i were to cut a clone, take off the large fan leaves/ clip them and put it in some really moist soil with high humidity would it be possible to root itself without using rooting hormones?

New Member
Anything's possible in this crazy world.

But is it probable? No, it will more than likely die pretty quickly.

I think the only factor that would have any effect on that would be the type of soil you use.


Well-Known Member
ABSOLUTELY! Found this out by accident. Will even root in a cup of water! Ive had 4/4 in ocean forest. Took about a good week. Three weeks later roots are showing out of the bottle of cups

New Member
ABSOLUTELY! Found this out by accident. Will even root in a cup of water! Ive had 4/4 in ocean forest. Took about a good week. Three weeks later roots are showing out of the bottle of cups
That's awesome! I have had the complete opposite experience, but always good to know!


Well-Known Member
i was jw because some damn rodent bit off a nice branch on one of my females so i figured what the hell and took off the largest leaves, cut the end, soaked some soil, stuck it in and put an empty plastic gallon jug over it to act at like a humidity dome haha we will see. just curious mostly.


Active Member
i was jw because some damn rodent bit off a nice branch on one of my females so i figured what the hell and took off the largest leaves, cut the end, soaked some soil, stuck it in and put an empty plastic gallon jug over it to act at like a humidity dome haha we will see. just curious mostly.
i love this

asking a question here is a great anxiety sink, but there's no better way to be certain of a correct answer than to ASK THE PLANT by experimenting

WHATEVER it is that you wonder... try it out - catalogue your results - ask your plant; it's the one growing nuggets - give it a little respect


Well-Known Member
But is it probable? No, it will more than likely die pretty quickly.

I think the only factor that would have any effect on that would be the type of soil you use.
Absolutely not true. You have at least a fifty fifty shot with the most important factor being the dampness of the medium. You want the rooting medium to be damp, not wet. Humidity is good. too much, not good. heat, good. too much heat bad. etc. Just be kind to the plant. Encourage it by singing soft lullabies to it. Bond a little and it will love you back.
I went to wal-mart and grabbed some "Schultz Take-Root" rooting hormone (powder stuff). It was only like 4 bucks, and it worked perfect for me. I didn't even use a humidity dome. I just stuck the cutting in some soil in a plastic cup in my closet. Watered the top of it around the base of the stem (lightly to avoid mold) daily to ensure it was always moist. After about two weeks, one took. After three weeks the second one took. 100% success so far, pretty easy... and not too late for ya!


Pics are from about a week ago. The one on the left had just taken roots, and the one on the right started growing about a week later. The one on the left is currently about 4-5 inches tall. Good luck!


Active Member
i've seen people take cuttings from other plants and just sit in water and it forms roots....i was never sure if this would work with cannabis...i just think the rooting hormone helps to encourage rooting more faster. If only have one or two cuttings to play around with I would take as much precaution as possible...just to increase your chances but who knows, it may not be necessary.


Well-Known Member
As mentioned before, I've rooted plants (not just cannabis) in a cup of water. Whatever part of the plant is submerged in the water is where the roots begin growing so make sure the water isn't too deep or you get roots growing in places you don't want.

No hormone is needed from my experience. Just make sure the cup or container you use is not transparent and exposed to light, keep it dark. Not sure on the reason for this though..


Well-Known Member
Lets just say if i were to cut a clone, take off the large fan leaves/ clip them and put it in some really moist soil with high humidity would it be possible to root itself without using rooting hormones?
In fact I personally would suggest rooting your clones in a shot glass of water with a couple clean pebbles or just a hint of nutes, Rooting Hormones are not intended for plants used for human consumption, just read the bottle and it will probably say not use it for your tomatoes. plus you will see that they root almost as quickly if you provide a good ph and minerals.


Well-Known Member
cloning has been practice for years without the use of modern hormones, it just takes a little bit longer. you have to keep an eye on them and mist the leaves 2-3 times a day for water and keep it humid as hell until they're well established in the growing medium.


Active Member
so how long does the pump stay on and how often do you use the you leave the pump on all the time or 1 - 2 minutes a few times a day????