can you reveg an autoflowering plant after harvest?


Well-Known Member
I gave some misinformation in a previous post i guess. I was doing an experiment based off a previous "success" cloning a critical auto. In that instance it rooted and bagan flowering small, ok... Well this time through i took a cutting off an suto sour d, it is still alive but has yet to root. It's pretty much just constantly putting out new flowering growth. The flowers still on the plant flowered for an extra month and a half i guess, and until last week where they finally spoiled on the plant. The plant then went brown and called it in. Sucks


Well-Known Member
Automatic Sour diesel breeded by Humboldt seed org.

The cutting, to no surprise, continued it's life of flowering, produced bananas, and new vegetative growth simultaneously. I'll let the banana grow a bit more and save it. Once it's ripe I'll cut back the flower some as well.

I did remove some flowering sites upon cutting.
It has spider mites

The Elvis

Well-Known Member
you can try and keep a auto going as long at it wants to.. She will start to degrade on all levels .. because the 2016 auto genetics are so good "breeder" dependent the auto can lean to her parent and act like her parent .. The longer you go the more she will foxtail and make hermie sacks..hermie sack will make fem seeds but those seeds carry the hermie trait.. this is not good genetics.. seeds everywhere!!! feminize your autos for more seeds stock or start a auto breeding project.. no real need to buy seeds.. unless your lazy or cant breed..


New Member
Completed the grow of 4 AK47 autofems. It was going to be a couple months before the next grow so harvested down but left two small undeveloped branches with bud nodes and nodes at the base. I had looked for anyone who might have had experience with revegging but the information is all over the place with most saying it isn't worth the time to try. I figured I had time to let 3 grow out in between normal grows. I am at week six now. One of the plants did as expected. Foxtailing and with deep blue leaves single finger leaves. It produced a small set of buds that looked mutated and stringy. I took it down. 2nd plant ran for two weeks more and produced the same leaf finger arrangement but produced two big colas side by side yet almost spherical and about 8 inches long with a roughly 4-5 inch base. It was ready for harvest a week later. Took it down and ran a test smoke. OK, about like most street stuff but not nearly as potent as the original plant. Dried and used to make tincture. Worked quite well for that. 3rd plant appears to have reset it's clock and is going back through the normal 10 week cycle but with 1,2, and 3 finger leaves. Thick trichs on it. Haven't tested yet but it appears to be fine with 4 weeks yet to go. Conclusion: Nice experiment if you have extra time. The variations in the plant development is interesting but definitely not worth the very random success with the first going much like the above. The second seems to have been just a continuation of the original flowering in the left over buds but the 3rd experience true growth then into flowering just smaller.
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The Elvis

Well-Known Member
Completed the grow of 4 AK47 autofems. It was going to be a couple months before the next grow so harvested down but left two small undeveloped branches with bud nodes and nodes at the base. I had looked for anyone who might have had experience with revegging but the information is all over the place with most saying it isn't worth the time to try. I figured I had time to let 3 grow out in between normal grows. I am at week six now. One of the plants did as expected. Foxtailing and with deep blue leaves single finger leaves. It produced a small set of buds that looked mutated and stringy. I took it down. 2nd plant ran for two weeks more and produced the same leaf finger arrangement but produced two big colas side by side yet almost spherical and about 8 inches long with a roughly 4-5 inch base. It was ready for harvest a week later. Took it down and ran a test smoke. OK, about like most street stuff but not nearly as potent as the original plant. Dried and used to make tincture. Worked quite well for that. 3rd plant appears to have reset it's clock and is going back through the normal 10 week cycle but with 1,2, and 3 finger leaves. Thick trichs on it. Haven't tested yet but it appears to be fine with 4 weeks yet to go. Conclusion: Nice experiment if you have extra time. The variations in the plant development is interesting but definitely not worth the very random success with the first going much like the above. The second seems to have been just a continuation of the original flowering in the left over buds but the 3rd experience true growth then into flowering just smaller.
This is why photos are still and will always be so important.. the best growers will grow both photo and auto.. just from what Ive seen.. happy growers for sure..
I like the science behind an automatic because its so new my generation and thats cool!!!

Lyndon Smith

New Member
i'm going to try it. if its not an autoflowering strain, it has a very early flower time and a very strong desire to flower., they were supposed to be 2 weeks old when i got them,and started trying to flower, growing little micro buds and lots of hairs, about 2 weeks after that,. i diddled around another week and stuck them in the flower room when they kept trying to do the same thing on an 18/6 schedule. the day after they hit 12/12 they started flowering for real. if thats not an auto, its close enough for me. i'll let you all know what happens in about 3 weeks, one till i pull the buds off, a couple after that to see if anything grows at all.
It was an auto just depends on the strain as to what you can do to manipulate it


Well-Known Member
No reveging autos. They live, make you some bud, then die. Also can't take clones. Well you can but it will be the same age as the mother plant.

I was very sure about this. You cannot clone an auto properly and it doesn't re veg.

Until this happened and I don't know where it will go because it's just an experiment.

This is AvT an auto flowering plant I harvested in Jan. I leave all my plants I harvest in my light room untilmy lazy as disposes them. Lol and my surprise I saw a few days ago, was an auto re vegging. True auto from meph. Genetics alien vs triangle.

I was watering them because I wanted to see what could happen and i could re veg my amnesia but this happened instead


Well-Known Member
I had a GSC from fastbuds that went for like 5 months once. I harvested the top buds and left the small stuff so it could bulk up. To my surprise it sprouted new growth. The new growth instantly went into flower. Got an extra 20g off that new growth. Was pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
Here is my current reveg. I said wth. Since it grew long white hairs I figured it was looking for pollen. Should be some fem seeds in there somewhere. This was a party cup fart around grow.

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OG Jewish connissor

Well-Known Member
I grew Cobra autos this winter and regenerate every year and put outside knowing what she is going to be. I grew OG, GDP, WW, Lemon G and 5 cobra. Since I cut veg. time down the autos where right with the others or vice versa. They did flower quicker in the winter than the others and I lost track after clipping them down. Now, June 5 I look outside and got 3 budding plants Cobra for sure smaller but they vegged for a month and got bigger for sure. Now, everybodys favorites are Autoflowers. I think the Rudy still makes them inferior than without. I am sure soon the right Israel grower will find a solution they have come a long way since I remember the first auto's. I tried AKR beautiful Indica and loved watching the difference budding after a month. Barneys gave me a free seed Tangie Auto great citrus taste and buzz great. Only 1 oz per plant. I am going to try pounder and a few others for shits and giggles probably inside this summer about 50 brood bitches are already in progress ahead of schedule. The OG and Granddaddy purps buzz top grade stuff. The WW and Lemon G small harvest, but a great WW and Lemon Pledge taste but used for a summer crop. Fun to know what you got going females, Hi grade, and short bushes to keep nosey people away here in the hood SE Columbus Oh. Still illegal here except for Vap and can't buy it for a few months here.

OG JC Summer comming on strong


Active Member
Completed the grow of 4 AK47 autofems. It was going to be a couple months before the next grow so harvested down but left two small undeveloped branches with bud nodes and nodes at the base. I had looked for anyone who might have had experience with revegging but the information is all over the place with most saying it isn't worth the time to try. I figured I had time to let 3 grow out in between normal grows. I am at week six now. One of the plants did as expected. Foxtailing and with deep blue leaves single finger leaves. It produced a small set of buds that looked mutated and stringy. I took it down. 2nd plant ran for two weeks more and produced the same leaf finger arrangement but produced two big colas side by side yet almost spherical and about 8 inches long with a roughly 4-5 inch base. It was ready for harvest a week later. Took it down and ran a test smoke. OK, about like most street stuff but not nearly as potent as the original plant. Dried and used to make tincture. Worked quite well for that. 3rd plant appears to have reset it's clock and is going back through the normal 10 week cycle but with 1,2, and 3 finger leaves. Thick trichs on it. Haven't tested yet but it appears to be fine with 4 weeks yet to go. Conclusion: Nice experiment if you have extra time. The variations in the plant development is interesting but definitely not worth the very random success with the first going much like the above. The second seems to have been just a continuation of the original flowering in the left over buds but the 3rd experience true growth then into flowering just smaller.
Had Similar happen ak74 auto I let it grow to long and it grew taller leaves transformed in to singles and foxtailing l ended up with whisp string like
buds but extreamly sticky, dryed plant and cured it is really nice smoke. just weird plant?


New Member
My friend gave me a couple of clones he said were love potion #9, and they were growing nice, when i noticed hairs starting to come out after about a month. i just kind of went, hmm, and moved them closer to the light. when they kept coming and got thicker, i realized this had to be an autoflowering strain. i moved them into the flowering area and overnight they started flowering. one was ready, with mostly milky and about 5% amber trichs in one month. the quality was great, but they were both a little small, because i kind of held them back almost 2 weeks they should have been in the hps. the other one will be ready in about a week, and since i was caught by surprise, i'd like to be able to try again, with a better idea of whats going on this time. my friend obviously can't keep his labels straight, so i really don't have any idea what strain this is, but i like it, it smells phenomenal, like honey and pepper, and i'd like to reveg this plant and take about a half dozen cuttings off of it. anyone have a clue what strain this is, or any experience revegging an autoflower?View attachment 3678956 View attachment 3678957 View attachment 3678958
unfortunately i dont have a smart phone to send trich pics, but i do have a 60X lighted jewelers loupe, and in this pic they're about 20% clear, 75% cloudy, and just a few amber. if this plant follows her sister, within a week it'll be ready.
I beg to differ here for around 10yr back I g9t a auto to clone and it flowers just as big I wrote to attitude seed bank and told them my findings I was in a group ofln facebook were the group discussion took place auto blue mystic nice beautiful flower with hues of blue fl9wers didn't experiments with the other automatics stemd to different strains together but the stone was crapy stone you got fr9m a auto so ive never ran them again you can also leave them in the blue spectrum a l8ttle longer you will se them trying flower sites then the leaves will notice tricks spreading all over leaves then put red spectrum on or dual spek or full spectrum I kid you not yell be impressed I ran experiments