Can you remember what you munched on the first time you lit the jane?


Active Member
This thread is for anyone who can go back in the memory bank and retrieve information from when they got stoned for the first time. Can you remember what you ate under the influence of the plant we love the most?:eyesmoke:


Active Member
This thread is for anyone who can go back in the memory bank and retrieve information from when they got stoned for the first time. Can you remember what you ate under the influence of the plant we love the most?:eyesmoke:
The first thing I ate was french onion sun chips and i had never tried them up until that point. I was hooked for like 6 months straight. Glorious memory.


Well-Known Member
I was 13, sitting in a small room with 4 older kids, we all where super baked and poor. In walked my friend from the kitchen with 1/2 loaf of bread and some Bologna. We all got one slice of bread, I got the heel, and a slice of Bologona. I can still remember that first bite and my funny ass words, (well everyone laughed) I said "normally I don't like Bologona, but this is fucking good!" That was 26 years ago. I will never forgot.


Well-Known Member
the frozen white castle burgers(i did heat them up) with cheese of course. ate the whole box they where fucking amazing.


Well-Known Member
oh gawd, the first time I smoked weed was at a party with my cousin, I was a whopping 17!!!!! So smoked it, it was a sativa dominant plant from what I can remember, more of a heady high.

Afterwards I go the crazy munchies, for the first time and awww gawd was it good. Jesus christ I remember going to that mcdonalds, and sinking my teeth into that deleicious fucking double cheeseburger with a steamy, irresistibly moist patty and hot melty warm cheese running down the sides of the crisp, fluffy buns speckled with delectable sesame seeds. And the tomatoes, thee crisp refreshment of the autum breeze beqeeeths thy palatable tomatoes!!!

God it was awesome.


Well-Known Member
I think her name was susan or sharon or something like that. She had a big ass honking nose but was still hot somehow, and it seemed to be the nicest thing I'd ever eaten and the sex was better than I'd ever had.

But maybe you didn't mean munch like that.


Active Member
Whoppers. 5 whoppers. They were on sale and BK was right down the block. Picked up the deal so I could have some for the next day...Yeah that didnt happen. To this day a whopper has never tasted as it did that night.


Well-Known Member
It was the same night I got high for the first time. I left my buddies apt and went home. I had a scoop of peanut butter. I knew what muchies were from movies but it was awesome to experiance for the first time.

I eat lots of PB and when that scoop hit my toungue it was a totally different experiance. Instead of just tasting the peanut butter like normal I was experiancing the PB. The taste, texture, oil, smoothness, saltiness, tinge of sweet. It was the first time I had thought of what a perfect balance of flavors it was - like it was no accident; there was a lot of thought and time put into PB to make it taste exaclty like it does.


New Member
i cooked up some popcorn chicken, whisked together ice tea...didnt stop til the gallon was empty, and the box of chicken was empty.