Can you obtain a section 56 exemption if you have Mmpr paperwork?


Well-Known Member
my primary care doctor won't sign(says not worth the headaches) and paying $300 a year to a shill who will sign a script for anyone with documentation they are beng treated for a acceptable ailment is not appeling. Can I apply for a section 56 exemption and expect to get it? My pc doc will confirm my diagnosis without a problem. Do I just fill out the rest of the application and send it in? Any one have a section 56 exemption now? How difficult was it to get?


Well-Known Member
Are they still doing section 56 excemptions?
I thought that ship had already sailed.
I don't even know. I remember reading they were on hold until the Mmar case is settled but I'd still file all the needed paperwork for a section 56 and have it put on hold if it meant Id get an exemption if the judge sees our way.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to create your own application and submit it. The only one i seen was for scientists and import/export. I spoke to someone at some department i forget it was a few years ago and it was a higher up manager. She said nobody has ever been granted one while a medical marihuana program has been available. A quick email from Tousaw confirmed that true and said all successfull applicants have had to do a judicial review of the denial in the courts.

edit :


Well-Known Member
Matt Mernagh has one I believe.
John Turmel has been approaching the exemption route for a while now, with no exemptions granted.
Doing Dishes can tell you about it.
I would look at the skype option over schedule 56 exemption.


Well-Known Member
Turmel hasn't been successful in this recent plight yet but has been in the past with Terry Parker and he was involved with the Hitzig case.
he is working on several now & they are slowly working their way through the system. we are now off to the SCoC to argue the latest.
the Goldstar case is for permanent expemtion & the right to access/use if you need it. that has been stayed until after the Allard case