Can you mix R/O and Distilled water?

I need to dillute my rez however im out of R/O water. I need to dilute my rez to lower my ppms but i only have a gallon of distilled water.

Would this be safe to use and mix in with the R/O?

Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the help

I allways add cal-mag+ but i think i went over on the ppms. Ill use it to dilute and update on how it works.


Well-Known Member
distilled is not deionized is it? if its deionized dont use it, the water is dead.I never remember. Go to the store and get some spring water gallons, even a gas station and get a few
ok that wories me. Im actually using it to dillute a nute/calmag+ mix thats to dense. Hopefully 1 gallon wont really make much of a negative impact.


If your using it for diluting it should be fine, just pure water by itself can cause osmosis causing cells to explode.
Well so far so good lol.

I added 1 gallon to a 15 gal rez to help lower ppms's and it helped it drop 95.

Nothing negative thus yet.

Thanks for the tips and reassurance.