Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

I'm a douchbag, because I have a difference of opinion?
Your old lady been having a lot of headaches lately, or what.

so you're in the bay area?:lol:..i have a friend (in the bay area) i'd like you to invite him to lunch..his name is beenthere he'll be easy to spot; he's the one with the "short stack" of pancakes:wink:
so you're in the bay area?:lol:..i have a friend (in the bay area) i'd like you to invite him to lunch..his name is beenthere he'll be easy to spot; he's the one with the "short stack" of pancakes:wink:


I don't think you have the skills to civilly debate issues, any old schmuck can engage in personal attacks to avoid using their brain.
You talking in some kind of code and partaking in inside jokes, proves my point, you lack confidence in yourself and it shows.

I don't think you have the skills to civilly debate issues, any old schmuck can engage in personal attacks to avoid using their brain.
You talking in some kind of code and partaking in inside jokes, proves my point, you lack confidence in yourself and it shows.

code you say? here are a few you're familiar with:

1. thug
2. entitlement society
3. poor work ethic
4. food stamp president
5. community organizer
6. urban america
7. welfare queen
8. amnesty
code you say? here are a few you're familiar with:

1. thug
2. entitlement society
3. poor work ethic
4. food stamp president
5. community organizer
6. urban america
7. welfare queen
8. amnesty

I have know idea what that has to do with me, no idea.
How does food stamp President, welfare queen and poor work ethic fit in to you and i debating issues. Other than the senseless thoughts you have rolling around in your head to avoid rational discussion, your baseless rants are immensely illogical.

The only thing Ive done that could be remotely considered uncivil, was changing the words in one of you quotes, other than that, I have exercised a different political opinion, and you are acting as if that is not allowed in your book.
I have know idea what that has to do with me, no idea.
How does food stamp President, welfare queen and poor work ethic fit in to you and i debating issues. Other than the senseless thoughts you have rolling around in your head to avoid rational discussion, your baseless rants are immensely illogical.

The only thing Ive done that could be remotely considered uncivil, was changing the words in one of you quotes, other than that, I have exercised a different political opinion, and you are acting as if that is not allowed in your book.

All she knows how to do is act like this. She has two modes: mindlessly agreeing with other liberals who actually have the brains to make good points, and talking shit like a 5th grader. Don't bother.
All she knows how to do is act like this. She has two modes: mindlessly agreeing with other liberals who actually have the brains to make good points, and talking shit like a 5th grader. Don't bother.

why thank you for the compliment bombur..

EDIT: 5th grade? i are acting like a 5th grader when you tell someone to not respond..he has a mind of his own and doesn't need your help..does he?
All she knows how to do is act like this. She has two modes: mindlessly agreeing with other liberals who actually have the brains to make good points, and talking shit like a 5th grader. Don't bother.
I'm finding out that Schularr and Unclebuck are two peas in a pod.
citation needed

From 2002 until his death in October 2012, the fund was headed by psychology professor J. Philippe Rushton....The 1937 incorporation documents of the Pioneer Fund list two purposes. The first, modeled on the Nazi Lebensborn breeding program,[SUP][14][/SUP] was aimed at encouraging the propagation of those "descended predominantly from white persons who settled in the original thirteen states prior to the adoption of the Constitution of the United States and/or from related stocks, or to classes of children, the majority of whom are deemed to be so descended". Its second purpose was to support academic research and the "dissemination of information, into the 'problem of heredity and eugenics'" and "the problems of race betterment".[SUP][13][/SUP]

The New Century Foundation is an organization founded in 1994 known primarily for publishing American Renaissance. From 1994 to 1999 its activities received considerable funding by the Pioneer Fund,[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] and has been described as a white supremacist group,[SUP][4][/SUP] which its founder, Jared Taylor, denies, calling it white separatist.

gee, that was fucking easy. wanna try again, miss kynes?