can you identify these 2 different problems


Active Member
I have 2 plants that are showing yellow fan leaves on the bottom half of the plant
The other plant has coloring on the outside of the leaves...
thanks all for any input..
I am using subs mix of supersoil, in a good clean room with no temp problems or anything, i do have an idea of what it may be but i was looking for some expert opinions... thanks very much and merry christmas :)DSC00008.jpgDSC00005.jpg


Well-Known Member
are u nuting her at all. soil only holds nutes in them for up to 2 months generally. then u should start suplementing them as needed. ur not giving uus enough info to properly diagnose the problem. looks like they are starving bro.


Active Member
here are 3 pics from the same plant that has the lower fan leaves turning yellow.There are a few stems that are pink too.. she is 3 weeks 12/12 today, supersoil, in 9 gallon buckets, 1/2 full the rest is sea soil. I was thinking of feeding her a bit of budcandy or top dress her, or a worm poo tea... I am not sure the problem, so i dont want to screw this beautiful girl up. shes big buddhas blue cheese...any other info i can give you let me know, i thought shes was hungry too...


Well-Known Member
she looks hungry bro. im not a soil guy. but she looks like she is robbing the lower half of the plant of nutes. probably a good idea to dress her up a bit . trim back the lower canopy a little. give her good feeding too. but like i said im not a soil guy. so u might want a second opinion on how much to feed her. but thats my two cents.


Active Member
If I was writing a guide I'd use those pics for textbook nitrogen deficiency. If ur not feeding at all yet something balanced should do but that's late stage nitrogen deficiency and will stunt growth. That second pic with darker veins looks like mg .


Active Member
If I was writing a guide I'd use those pics for textbook nitrogen deficiency. If ur not feeding at all yet something balanced should do but that's late stage nitrogen deficiency and will stunt growth.


Well-Known Member
You post what you think you're going to feed that's cool man
but you should post what you have fed too! Cause it does look
under fed. So what have you fed and how much you have
fed in ppms would be very good info to include in your post!


Active Member
You post what you think you're going to feed that's cool man
but you should post what you have fed too! Cause it does look
under fed. So what have you fed and how much you have
fed in ppms would be very good info to include in your post!
there has been nothing given to her yet, i have never had to add anything with this super soil mix, i was thinking of feeding her tho, i thought it as a nitrogen def too, from the pics i looked at before. thanks everyone for your input.....