Can you hermie a male into a female?


Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering can you change a male plant back into a female or is this not possible? I've read of people doing it, but how could or would it be done, because if I had a male and could change it because something happen that would be very nice! Thanks for the info, oh and my new grow room pics are coming 14x11 35 or so plants, lots of cooling and venting this time and a watering/draining system I built.


Well-Known Member
It is possible if you have access to a high grade botany facility with help from the scientist there. As for a quick backyard remedy I dont think so. High level botanist may not know how Yet. I have never studied the subject in detail.


Well-Known Member
Well a hermaphrodite is both sexes, so no you cant just make it back into a male or a female. At least not without a high tech lab or something and some genetic modification. Even if you could, its probably not worth your time.


Well-Known Member
I know it wont smoke but I was just wondering since it could go female to male why couldn't we figure a way to go the other way around, I take my males and spread the pollen all around my city :P hehe


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of it happening.

Also, hermie is both male and female.

When a female hermies it grows both male and female

When a male hermies it grows both male and female.

You're asking if a male can go female. Short answer, no.

Can a female go male? No, it goes hermie.


Can a Female that is going to seed damage the other females in the greenhouse, if they are still females ? And can you cut off the branches or buds off the seeded plants and continue to grow as a female ?


Well-Known Member
Can a Female that is going to seed damage the other females in the greenhouse, if they are still females ? And can you cut off the branches or buds off the seeded plants and continue to grow as a female ?
Females don't grow seeds, they grow flowers.


Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering can you change a male plant back into a female or is this not possible? I've read of people doing it, but how could or would it be done, because if I had a male and could change it because something happen that would be very nice! Thanks for the info, oh and my new grow room pics are coming 14x11 35 or so plants, lots of cooling and venting this time and a watering/draining system I built.
No..a male plant is solely male...Male plants are male, and female plants have the know how to be both if the correct situation applies itself.


bud bootlegger
and yes, it is said that you can have a male plant that hermies and goes female, not just the other way around, but males to females seem to be very uncommon..

it is said i do believe that rockster of kaliman seeds had a male exodus cheese go female on him, and that is how he got fem'ed beans of an exodus cut, how true it is is internet rumor folk lore..