Can you give a plant too much nitrogen

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
see, thank you...

that was helpful...

I have been told on here that my similar yellowing was normal and I even went overboard and pruned waaaaay too much of said plants...(at the time I was researching pruning more so than yellowing)

I have left mine alone thus far and will not be touching them as I used to...and yellowing yet.
Probably due to my new found nutrient schedule (as before it was barely existent)
the pics you provided looked really nice.
I never knew the yellowing was bad...and now I know...

and if I have the problem again...I will know that my ppm is too high and I should probably flush and look into calcium deficiency...

..and I do see the benefits of having the fan leaves survive for the life of the plant...that is something I am hoping to achieve this time around.... my girl in late flower right now looks ridiculous with no fan leaves on it..I'm actually surprised that the buds got as big as they did...
your welcome, I did say in my very first post, don't get butthurt or defensive. you went right into defensive. My whole point was just to show you that the wrong advise can cost someone months of hard work. I'm glad you took the time to also learn something. I try to learn something everyday while deciding who is giving the right info. and who is just spouting what I call forum fodder.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
you dont want to give your plant nitrogen during the flowering stage give it a p booster
when flowering your plant takes up p when veg mode it takes up n but u really dont want to over do it n the n mode
Again just the opposite of whats right. More forum BS. Keep your plants as green and healthy as possible up until the day of harvest. This means feeding them more N than P during flower. P bonds very well with our container mixes, a little goes a long ways. Pump all that P into them like forum BS dictates and you stem the uptake of other nutrients. Plants use more Magnesium during flower than most any other nutrient. And still require a far amount of Nitrogen during flower to sustain photosynthesis. And as I mentioned earlier I see a N and Mg deficient plants in the original pics.


New Member
@KR4X - +REP .....THANK YOU!! I dont mind if someone calls me out on giving bad advice... but hounding my posts saying my opinion isnt valid? What a child...


@Smokingbud1977 - I am sorry that your thread got turned into 'Chuck's newb bashing corner'.
I really love the look of your plant and think it's going to be epic for you!!
Those buds look fantastic!! and your plant shape is something I've always tried for, but hardly ever accomplish.
many apologies for disrupting your post.

How many times did you have to top it to get the shape you did?
Chucky is one of the guys on here that think his s**t don't stink! Just blow him and his advice off.

Your girls look really good, what you are experiencing is the natural process of a plant. We grow indoors so there is nothing natural about it. Plants will stay green and healthy right to the end if you are using a standard mix.

My ratio for veg is 1 veg to 1 micro to 1/2 bloom. For my flower it is 1:1:1. Keeping them green and healthy all the way through the flower cycle will result in happier plants thus producing larger yeilds.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Chucky is one of the guys on here that think his s**t don't stink! Just blow him and his advice off.

Your girls look really good, what you are experiencing is the natural process of a plant. We grow indoors so there is nothing natural about it. Plants will stay green and healthy right to the end if you are using a standard mix.

My ratio for veg is 1 veg to 1 micro to 1/2 bloom. For my flower it is 1:1:1. Keeping them green and healthy all the way through the flower cycle will result in happier plants thus producing larger yeilds.
says the guy who pulls all his fan leaves, uses expensive advanced nutrients, then tries to wash it all out at the end. As I said before,It is absolutely amazing you can even grow a plant.

How can you keep them green and healthy when your constantly pulling them off? what a joke you are. Only you would know my shit stinks the way you follow me around.


Active Member
yeah, as much as I didnt appreciate being hounded... I believe Alexander and Chuck to be right....
the plants I have seen that have fan leaves all the way till the end are noticeably more awesome than ones that have been ripped off...
it makes sense.... leaves use photosynthesis to convert light to energy...if you rip off the leaves (or they die) there is less 'work' being done by the plant to produce...

I'd be willing to guess that the buds never need any light at all...the leaves probably do all or most the work converting energy from the sun/lights ...

even if my point is wrong, I can say from experience that pruning leaves and loosing leaves during the process only weakens the plant...and thats cool...if you want to smoke shit that tastes like fresh cut yuck


Active Member
They look magnesium and nitrogen deficient too me.
The yellow leaves support Alex's observation.
Nitrogen is the base material proteins are made out of, and chlorophyll is a term for several pigmented proteins. From what I have seen, the typical flowering phase gets most people cutting out N and upping P and K. Flowering ferts are structured this way because a plant doesn't need as much N during this phase, but with all the flushing going on, or any amount of other factors, we have become trained to see yellowing leaves during flower. Keep them green and flowers will show it.

EDIT maybe I should read ahead to see if anyone had already said what I was going to.. Sorry for repeating, but they're totally right lol