Can you get away with using organic nutrients in hydro if you run Heisenburgs tea


Active Member
I've always been told that organics are for soil and cause to much problems at least for a recirculating system. drain to waste might be a different story however.


Well-Known Member
try botanicare pure blend pro, its as close to a full organic as you can get and still be a good product


I have technaflora bought when I thought I was going soil. Whats your insight on this superstoner. Why are organics not valid for the use hydroponics? Do organics cause unneeded nature growth in the res


Well-Known Member
i started with technaflora in dwc and only problem i had was i followed the recipe for success and burnt the plants. its a good product for the price, but the way i look at the price of nutes is this: i run full line of botanicare pure blend pro and additives and buy them by the gallon, thats 9 different gallons plus pondzyme, and my nute cost from veg to harvest is around $1 per ounce. not a bad return.