Can You Flush With Regular Tap Water????

Can you flush your pots (soil) with lukewarm shower?

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Active Member
^Looking at the meter next to the plant it is neither too hot nor low rh.

I am not certain, but I think it is the soil too hot. Notice it is really the oldest leaf sets that have the most damage. The newer leaves are in decent shape. Probably when it first broke surface it was burned and is now strong enough to handle the nutrients.

I would not try to flush the soil with time-release nutrients. That will most likely speed up the release process and you will end up with big doses of nutrients blasting your plants. Just water them as needed. It will be fine, but next time around you will know before hand that you want to find the proper soil.

I hope you have plenty of holes drilled into the bottom of those planters you are using. If not you are going to run into more issues really soon.
Thanks. I really like your diagnosis — because it is correct. Indeed the lower leaves show the damage and the top ones look much better; and indeed they suffer like this since they popped out of the ground. I have about 7 (smallish) holes at the bottom of each bucket, and one on the side of each just in case. Big Yes again, next time I will make bloody sure the soil is empty (it's what I wanted to start with).
Valid question. Large indoor soil growers can be lazy. Or time saving, less water gugs all over house, plan on 3 gallons r/o ph'ed after tap water. Should push tap water out, right


Well-Known Member
I think you're overthinking everything. Its just a weed. They're babies, they'll recover just fine. Some plants do die from a condition called fukedwithtodeath.


Active Member
dude you sure your not getting the bottom leaves wet when you water. And I have only ever seen canoeing (cupping) in very high temps,common with HID. I agree with the above----- stop fucking with them. If you are worried about the soil being too hot, then get a piece of drywall aka. gypsum. Take a spice grater and powder up some without the paper backing of course. Gypsum is very well known for neutralizing salinity, and is inert. Take 1tbsp/L and incorporate with water, or top-dress 2tbsp/gallon and water in with PH 6.5. You cn also add humic and fulvic acids aka organic acids, and these are best known as chelators. They bond and carry metallic ions and make them more readily available at a broader PH range. Less is more when it comes to organic acids. NO MORE THAN 150PPM supplementation per week. Now fulvic acid is best absorbed thru the leaves and humic is the roots.


Active Member
Not to jack the thread but these are my babies at 20 day today from breaking ground. All I used is FFOF/FFLW little azomite, top-dress with 2tsp ea. of powdered dolomite and compost tea. These are monsters. @20 FLIPIN DAYS. Less is more my friend. And don't lsten to everyone on this forum, some will purposely fuck you and some are just fucking dumb. Listen to all but only follow the advise of select. he longer you are on RIU and actively growing, the better you will get at seeing the dumb dumbs, and only listening to the real growers. But most importantly teach yourself and reasearch everything that pops in your head. Good luck buddy.

