Can you find Peyote in the Great Lakes region?


Well-Known Member
Being from the that neck of the woods most of my life I think I can easily say "No way in hell" to your question. It is endangered from us dumb white guys (just like everything else). I have never met anyone who has ever done it and never seen it personally. Good luck JR


Well-Known Member
Just buy a nice san pedro or peruvian torch from your local nursery for your mescaline source, leave the litte yote's


Active Member
I have only and only ONCE ever had a guy here in the midwest/great lake area that could get it. Dude could get ANYTHING though lol. But alas, someone robbed him for 2+lbs of mushies, and he moved far away. Man i miss those days. Just buy your own cactus if your wanting to try it that badly, like ANC said.


Active Member
I alwase wondered why the canadian government specificly didnt schedule peyote because of their native americans( are they called Native Canadians if there in canada?) when its not even native to that country.

MI Bluntsmoker

Active Member
I alwase wondered why the canadian government specificly didnt schedule peyote because of their native americans( are they called Native Canadians if there in canada?) when its not even native to that country.
Canada is still North America, so yeah I think they are Native Americans.


Active Member
I didn't know local nurseries would sell san pedro cacti, is there enough mescaline in one cactus, or would multiple be a better idea?


Active Member
Last time i looked into growing a cactus, i think you needed to let it grow for 2? years to get a "good" harvest. Shepj, correct me if I'm wrong...


Well-Known Member
About a forearm worth of san pedro or torch will nail you.

You could;
A) eat it like a cucumber
B) make a tea by sliceing finely and parboil with a lemon's juice.
C)Take the tea and pull out just the mescaline useing basic extraction methods.


Active Member
You can grow San Pedro and Peruvian Torch for decorative reasons, but it is illegal to get the mescaline from it. Which of the two cacti is better?


peyote is virtually extinct in the wild, if you do want to look for it for best bet(very low chance though) will be to look in the southern regions of arizona, new mexico, texas, and northern mexico.


Active Member
Why dont you just buy a some Lophophora williamsii (peyote) cactus super easy to find in just about any city. They take about 4 years to flower. You can raise them on a sunny windowsill. Brushing the buttons with a paint brush it said to produce more mesculine crystals.


Active Member
Why dont you just buy a some Lophophora williamsii (peyote) cactus super easy to find in just about any city. They take about 4 years to flower. You can raise them on a sunny windowsill. Brushing the buttons with a paint brush it said to produce more mesculine crystals.
what planet are you living on that its super easy to find peyote in every city? You make it seem like theyre looking for aspirin.


Active Member
I live on earth in canada... I have seen peyeto cactuses in just about every major city I have ever been in in canada. Vancouver seed bank sells them.... Urban shaman. Not illegal to have I dont beleave

Have you even looked for peyote?