Can you fail with hydro?


Active Member
If you keep a close eye on pH, give nutes exactly as supposed to and change the water like once a week... can you fail with hydro?


Well-Known Member
You can fail with any medium ! seek out wisdom b4 you start my son & ye shall reap the rewards !...........

...Failing that ,just chuck some beans in and off you go, water ,light ,food & your off, learn as you go.

psssst, its a weed !


New Member
I think there is no such thing as a fail proof grow , shit happens more than we like and in the end it is all about how you respond to issues as they arise ... Preventative measure are top priority yes but even humans make mistakes ..Peace .. PotSnob


So many things to list with hydroponic grows , that can go wrong its a fucking joke.. if this is your first grow and your not heads on , got someone to help who's got hydro grows under there belt..


Well-Known Member
i dont know for sure - never tried it
there has to be a reason that all the breeders growing for the cup in denmark use soil
but the easiest to fix -correct - bring back - save is soil grow bro



Well-Known Member
Try coco ease of soil with hydro results. Of course it is hydro so u need to check Ph and ec but hand watering in coco means you can give your plants separate feeds should they require it.


Active Member
Hydro is working for me, but it does require that you mess with it every day for a while to get it started. I left town for a week and a res ran dry and I lost a few plants, but put in replacements, added water to the res and away we go again. I am using the StinkBud system that is still being discussed here and am doing OK. Comes down to your space, time and money. Might be cheaper to just buy it instead of grow it judging by all the used but like new grow stuff for sale. Good luck!

BTW, I am a newbie and still stumbling blind thru the wilderness.


Active Member
Thanks for the tips. I recently got my hands on some instructions on how to build a really cheap bubbler with mostly common household goods, and since I'm having problems with soil and my Grapefruit plants (Critical #47 seems problem-free, though a little slow in growth) I decided to give Critical a go in a bubbler.
I will be able to feed them differently since I intend to have them in separate buckets.


Well-Known Member
Hey curious, if you're really set on going hydro I would look into Ebb & flow before going into the bubbler. You can make an ebb and flow system with a lot of the same materials which allows for a slightly larger margin of error.

Fairly inexpensive and simple to build systems



Active Member
Too many variables in hydro. Pain in the ass if you ask me. Grew all different types of hydro setups for 9 years. I have grown ebb n flow, aeroponic, top feed, dwc, NFT, and ebb n grow. I personally think dwc was the easiest. And DWC is what led me to soilless. Been using a soilless mix for a little over a year and I will never look back. Had some great times with hydro, had it dialed in nice, but IMO this soilless is so much easier.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Too many variables in hydro. Pain in the ass if you ask me. Grew all different types of hydro setups for 9 years. I have grown ebb n flow, aeroponic, top feed, dwc, NFT, and ebb n grow. I personally think dwc was the easiest. And DWC is what led me to soilless. Been using a soilless mix for a little over a year and I will never look back. Had some great times with hydro, had it dialed in nice, but IMO this soilless is so much easier.
This is true. Go get some pro mix, or sunshine mix#4, or some coco, and u will never look back. Huge fucking yields friend.