Can you completely cut out calcium?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Some ppm (500 scale) numbers for a few common ferts. (Interesting how Jacks has jacked sulfer levels)

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People in the know. Use jack's citrus for the increased S (again), in that formula.

Some might say that Jack's did that for cannabis growers. This is untrue.
Much newer research into plants use of S and how needed it is for basically most of the plants process's. It is now being repeatedly debated that S become a fourth Macro nutrient.
So I would not be surprised to one day see N-P-K-S over N-P-K..

When using Jack's. It would be a wise choice to use a Mn and Fe supplement program. These compounds are lacking in Jack's and increasing by small amounts, can change THC and CBD levels in the final product.

Even amounts and more Mn then Fe will increase THC. Higher amounts of Fe will increase CBD.
Increasing these in available soil ppm's. Nice way to get the whole thing done simply set for the whole run..

If attempting this, several rules apply. Small increase's in the soil ppm till you get to 100 ppm being you target area. +10-15% is ok and that little bit over is better then under.
Going over that 10-15% can land you in some chemical locking zone's.

BioAg makes a product called TM-7. This is basically a form of the whole formula you would water into your soil. Use only small amounts at once and spend the bucks on or go to your local USDA and get the soil nutrient ppm break down to see how much your moving the target minerals and you can figure out from there on how much to use to hit the target ppm zone...The amount you might start with to mix? Try .5 tsp per gallon first and adjust from there...