can you clone an outdoor plant

So basically i have 3 outdoor plants that havent shown there sex yet but are close and i was wondering can i take a clipping dip it in root horomone and stick it in soil and put it in the sun will it work and if not why


Well-Known Member
Sure you can, you can clone any plant wether in or outdoor. As to leaving it in soil and putting it in sun, no, the clone needs a lot of humidity 'cause it has no roots to feed. take it indoors, put a dome on it and keep it moist, in time it will develop roots.


Well-Known Member
So basically i have 3 outdoor plants that havent shown there sex yet but are close and i was wondering can i take a clipping dip it in root horomone and stick it in soil and put it in the sun will it work and if not why
You can definitely do it, I'm currently doing two full trays of 50 in Northern Ontario. All I do is take the cutting, If there are two sets of nodes I cut the bottom set and make my 45 degree cut below it and than dip into rooting hormone and place in Jiffy Pellets and than into a tray/humidity dome. Takes a good 10 days or so but once you see the leaves start turning yellow, you can bet it's starting to work. Plus since your plants are all ready used to the sun, you can place the dome in a semi shaded or possibly sunny area to root. It works don't worry about putting them inside under light, just keep the soil/ pellet's/rockwool moist and you'll be good to go. Not to wet though, wait until they start drying out a lil bit before watering. Seran wrap would even work around your pot if your using soil.