Can you carry nutes and supps in checkin luggage on a plane?


New Member
Hey everyone, gonna make this real quick...

Is it possible to check in CAL/MAG supps and ph buffer solution onto an airline?

I live in a Pakistan where finding these two is proving to be a lump in the rump.

I have a friend flying down from England whom i plan on getting these here through.

Needless to say, I don't want it to turn into a much more literal, and painful, lump in the rump.

I've gotten a PH meter but cannot for the life of me find a 4.0 calibration solution. Most vendors here carry 7.0 and 10 for swimming pools (Hydro hasn't exactly kicked off here yet) Similar situation on the CAL/MAG for plants... nothing!

That's about it really... Yay or Nay?



New Member
Heh... nope. Things are a bit different in 3D.

I've read it's fine as long as you don't have any nitrate as an ingredient. Do cal/mag supps generally have any of that stuff?


Well-Known Member
Heh... nope. Things are a bit different in 3D.

I've read it's fine as long as you don't have any nitrate as an ingredient. Do cal/mag supps generally have any of that stuff?
cal/mag is generally calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate. Thats what it says on Botanicare Cal-Mag+


New Member
Cal nitrate and Mag nitrate....... Says right there on the bottle. Not one of my finest moments clearly. :sleep:

What's the verdict on lugging the PH calibration solutions though??


Well-Known Member
is he trying to bring it on his carry on? I could be wrong but I don't think it matters if its in brand new sealed bottles in a suitcase under the plane.


Well-Known Member
is he trying to bring it on his carry on? I could be wrong but I don't think it matters if its in brand new sealed bottles in a suitcase under the plane.
Won't work with carry-on due to millilitre limits, but I've done it on flights from U.S. to Canada in my checked baggage.

You're growing basil, cilantro and tomatoes for what it's worth.



Well-Known Member
I've gotten a PH meter but cannot for the life of me find a 4.0 calibration solution. Most vendors here carry 7.0 and 10 for swimming pools (Hydro hasn't exactly kicked off here yet) Similar situation on the CAL/MAG for plants... nothing!
If you're really that picky for a 4.0 calibration liquid and can't acquire one, do this:

- get two pH testers
- mix up a solution of plain tap water and dump a bunch of lemon juice in it until it hits 4
- test with your other pH tester

Liquid is now tested, and you can calibrate.



Well-Known Member
air mail it to wherever you're going, I do think they ask at usps if liquids are being shipped?? box it up good and ship, nute's are being shipped all the time, to wherever. just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Won't work with carry-on due to millilitre limits, but I've done it on flights from U.S. to Canada in my checked baggage.

You're growing basil, cilantro and tomatoes for what it's worth.

Thats what I am saying. The op makes it sound like the guy is trying to bring the nutes to him in his carry on, which would be an issue. I am saying that I don't think the rules for liquids applies when it is in checked baggage under the plane.


New Member
That's a pretty nifty idea there Spek.. much obliged!

And yes, the kale n mint garden story has already been explained to her lol.

Right so to sum it up; i don't think i'll be asking her to risk it with the Cal/Mag but i'll take a chance with the PH calibration solutions despite the great DIY method.

Thanks a bunch for the input everyone.


Active Member
On my last visit to Colorado i bought some nutrients which were opened because they were liquid they had to check n make sure its nothing flammable