Can you brew a tea with FF? Help plz


Well-Known Member
Hello all and good day so today I noticed my blue cheese plant had yellow dry/crunchy spots on lower leaves and im guessing it could be from having a low microbial life (just switched to organics) I ran out of the stuff I was using to make the teas with and have just been feeding it water. The soil im using if ff ocean forest and just a little of dolomite lime thats it no other amendments. So this kinda sent me into a panic just seeing a plant not as healthy as can be makes me worry I started to think what I could use for now to boos the microbial life, and I remembered I had a bag ocean forest sitting outside for some time now and it had some (mycylium?) Growing. Just wondering if anyone's brewed it and had a successful batch of tea. Just trying to get a tea rollin asap.


Well-Known Member
Or it could be from lack of light, old age, mag def, forgetting to water once and the leaves got droopy, nitrogen....
But ya, sure, ffof, tea, why not. Or ya could brew one outta coffee grounds, banana peels, or like a million other things ya got around the house. Sure, why not.


Well-Known Member
Hello all and good day so today I noticed my blue cheese plant had yellow dry/crunchy spots on lower leaves and im guessing it could be from having a low microbial life (just switched to organics) I ran out of the stuff I was using to make the teas with and have just been feeding it water. The soil im using if ff ocean forest and just a little of dolomite lime thats it no other amendments. So this kinda sent me into a panic just seeing a plant not as healthy as can be makes me worry I started to think what I could use for now to boos the microbial life, and I remembered I had a bag ocean forest sitting outside for some time now and it had some (mycylium?) Growing. Just wondering if anyone's brewed it and had a successful batch of tea. Just trying to get a tea rollin asap.
more than likely the symptoms you are describing won't be anything microbial related.
need pics, and info on your soil mix.
But yeah, I suppose in theory that could work, but honestly i'd be surprised if a bagged soil had more microbial life than an established plant.