Can Weed Help with Heroin Addiction?

I was only on the D for about 8 months but i was in all kinds of a hole, speedballing a couple times a week, (never spiked anything, always took it to the face), MJ is the only thing that would make 6.8 billion peoples' quality of life increase, im as addicted to the ritualistic experience of breaking it up, gutting a cigar and rolling it up as i am to actually burning it, i used it to kick cigarettes to the curb after previously trying to use cigarettes to kick the MJ.....good luck and god bless your friend, tell him to remember "it aint nothing to it but to do it", no matter what the circumstance, but MJ will always be there to keep you warm when the nights get cold...or it was for me
weed will not help out a jnukie. it will not make the sickness {withdrawls} go away, it dont even matter if its the sickest weed ever grown, a junkie only thinks about his next hit and were he is gonna get the money for it
I have never tried any other type of substance besides alcohol, cannabis, tobacco. one of the reason i love Marijuana is that helped me quit smoking cigarettes which i regret smoking that first cigarette start with. But its OK because i have learned from my past I believe its about the strength of ones will power to quit. I haven't smoked weed in a month and im fine but i will when i get a Job, weed just makes me feel better weed makes me happy cannabis is in my life now and always will be.
A former business partner was a recovering H addict, he had some luck with Suboxone.
He said it was much better than Methadone, but he would still get sick; just not as bad.

I feel for your friend, its a tough road, i watched my friend struggle on and off for a long time. dont know if he ever will be completely "clean"

Weed helped me quit drinking alcohol, havent touched it in almost 7 years now. It didnt make me stop jonesing for some hootch, just made the misery a little more livable. Sometime that can be enough.
crack is no where near as bad as heroin but bad indeed and when my bro went on a 5 year binge of that shit it took over 6 months to break him... but white widow definitely helped alot and to this day he thanks me for supplying him with it...

now he was smoking damn near a half o a day (no joke) to keep his mind off the crack and it kept him pretty stupid but it really helped with the weaning processes.

now he's an executive at a reputable computer company and yes he continues to smoke weed in spite of his boss which is another story but what i'm saying is that its not THE SUBSTITUTE for hard drugs but from what the tells me it damn sure helped.

do what it takes to help your friend and save a life... thats what cannabis is all about