Can Weed Help with Heroin Addiction?


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who's been heavily smoking heroin for about 2 years now, and he just started using Methadone to help him get off this nasty stuff.

Do you think it'll help to smoke weed while using Methadone?
I think it helped me conquer my booze...almost 2 years sober, no trouble and I now own a house....IT HELPED ME IMMENSELY

And yes it was nice to take the edge off it did wonders along with some good friends who cared. Good luck to your friend he's gonna need it I'm sure...
Yea if feel terrible for him and other people who are addicted this crap...
I can only imagine how difficult it's going to be to get off it.

Thanks for the info Gygax1974, I've never used weed to get off an addiction, but I had a feeling it could be pretty helpful.
Lot's of jerks will tell you that you are replacing one drug for another and it doesn't work that way, most of these jerks also have addiction problems but they are on some new fangled prescription drug....hypocrites. And the people who never had a substance problem think they get it too but they don't, they have no clue it's a disease and if weed helps him that's good cause heroin is BAD.
i for one can tell you from personal exp that the weeeeeeed helps when trying to abstain from the opiates. acute withdrawal symptoms.......the up to 6mo or longer period that your body goes thru trying to right itsself after years of abuse. They're a bitch and had it not been for weed I'd still be startin' my day with 80mg of oxy contin....because I could smoke a bowl, close my eyes and detatch....I'm clean as a whistle and smellin like a rose....But to answer your question yes, absolutely it helps. THE best medicine for a whole lotta ailments......but PAWS for sure. Those opiates are a beyotch.....been there done that and ain't goin back anytime soon. Goood luck to your friend and if the "done" doesn't help I know what will.
def helps me go thru my morphine withdraws.not so much with the body temp fuck ups like cold sweats or hot as fuck one min then freezing the next you will go thru but def helps with that restless fiddling fits and body aches that hit me pretty hard.
My first thought was: Smoking weed to help with heroin addiction would be like smoking weed in an attempt to quit smoking cigarettes. Then it occured to me that I haven't used narcotic drugs to control my chronic pain condition for around five years now. I just eat ganja cookies and smoke weed. ~lol~

I wish the very best for your friend, Micro. :)

I kicked the junk back in 2003. The withdrawl from methodone is 20x worse than dope. The clinics ARE a business after all. And thet want you to come back (just like the dealers) so they can make money. Methodone sucks really bad, and when your on it the last thing you want to do is smoke weed. It (weed) does nothing for you. Ironically the reason I started doing dope is because I stopped smoking weed. I have arthritis bad and started using just to kill the pain in my knees. Little did I know then that weed was just as effective. Anyway I detoxed myself with loperamide. Loperamide is an anti-euphoric opioid. It is better known as the main ingredient in Immodium AD. Its cheaper than methodone and you dont get drowsy. You can go to Walmart and get it. Its by the antacids and stuff. Its Walmarts generic anti-diarrhreal medication and you can get it in a box of 2 bottles of 96 tablets for about 13.50. It really does work. You have to take about 20 at a time. If you're dopesick it will stop your eyes from watering, nose from running and the cramps and muscle spasms and also the diarreah and nausea. If your friend was a junkie im sure as hell he knows what dopesick is. Ask him what dopesick is. Please print out this post and let your friend see it. It really does work. It worked for me. Try looking up loperamide on wikipedia. This is a part of my life that I dont talk about much. But if I can help someone out of that hell I will sure try to.
Weed might take the edge off, but he needs to kick it, completely. Methadone is nasty stuff. Aside from the horrible side effects, people who did kick the heroin habit usually become addicted to methadone.

Find your friend some ibogaine. After a strong dose, he'll wake up the next morning with no withdrawl, and no desire to do it again. Seriously. It is the closest thing to a miracle cure for addiction. Unfortunately, the government has listed it as a Schedule I substance (though it meets none of the requirements), as it does with nearly all entheogenic substances.

As a former junkie. If he tells you he was only smoking it, he damn sure was slamming it. Try the loperamide. It's over the counter. It works. Please.
yea he did slam it quite a few times in the past but ended up sticking to smoking it. and i know he knows what it's like to get dopesick, happens to him if he doesn't smoke for a whole day...

i'll definitely show him your post, or at least talk about that Loperamide. wasn't completely aware about the problems with methadone, just figured it was something to help, so it's gotta be good.
I was referring to something else earlier sorry. if your friend has insurance tell him to try "Bupenephrine". Expensive...thats the "system", but a lot cheaper and it got me off a looooong period of opiate addiction. Very effective and was just remove from the "controlled substance" list. There is no "high" to it and for me after a day i felt as if i'd never done an oc, morph etc. Not a craving since. But you gotta want it. And WEED is a godsend when it comes to calming effect. Not sure about anyone else who might have experienced that pain but "calm" is a good thing. Period.
I kicked the junk back in 2003. The withdrawl from methodone is 20x worse than dope. The clinics ARE a business after all. And thet want you to come back (just like the dealers) so they can make money. Methodone sucks really bad, and when your on it the last thing you want to do is smoke weed. It (weed) does nothing for you. Ironically the reason I started doing dope is because I stopped smoking weed. I have arthritis bad and started using just to kill the pain in my knees. Little did I know then that weed was just as effective. Anyway I detoxed myself with loperamide. Loperamide is an anti-euphoric opioid. It is better known as the main ingredient in Immodium AD. Its cheaper than methodone and you dont get drowsy. You can go to Walmart and get it. Its by the antacids and stuff. Its Walmarts generic anti-diarrhreal medication and you can get it in a box of 2 bottles of 96 tablets for about 13.50. It really does work. You have to take about 20 at a time. If you're dopesick it will stop your eyes from watering, nose from running and the cramps and muscle spasms and also the diarreah and nausea. If your friend was a junkie im sure as hell he knows what dopesick is. Ask him what dopesick is. Please print out this post and let your friend see it. It really does work. It worked for me. Try looking up loperamide on wikipedia. This is a part of my life that I dont talk about much. But if I can help someone out of that hell I will sure try to.
[FONT=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]I agree smoking does help ease addictions or kick heroin, if you are not taking narcotics to kick, I feel the best way to kick is cold turkey, I've done the kicking thing several times, methadone, klonipins, valium etc. all kinds of generic narcotics that I don't even want think about, sure wish I knew about this l[FONT=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]operamide during my kicking seasons, although the best but not the easiest way to kick is cold turkey, you really have to want it and by taking another to help another don't cut it...

[FONT=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]However smoking maijuana helps eases addictions, it does not cure them, I'm a firm believer .. once an addict always an addict and pot can be a gateway.....[/FONT]
As a former junkie. If he tells you he was only smoking it, he damn sure was slamming it. Try the loperamide. It's over the counter. It works. Please.

[FONT=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Most likely they have or will at some point, but because people have smoked doesn't guarantee that they have stuck a needle in their arm, hand, foot, neck etc. I've known plenty that ONLY Smoked never stuck a needle in any part of their body .... Again Does Not Mean They Would Never!

Until Next Time!