Can we talk about bathrooms?

I dont take shit in a public restroom


I will piss tho

The thing that sucks is taking a piss next to someone and theres no wall in between

Just you and another dude

And u know ur not looking and he's not ether

But you try to look in the other direction and avoid all contact with that person
I stand back a couple feet and arch it into the urinal and stare straight at the guy next to me, to invite him to look. I'm cool like that.

I got in trouble at work for doing this once. and the victim was a black guy. He must've had a small penis if mine offended him.
I'm willing to bet that women's public restrooms are far more disgusting than mens. YOu heard it here guys. I mean, I've opened a stall door to many horrors: blood on the seat and floor, tampons on the back of the toilets, SHIT all over the seat (I mean who shits on a seat?)
Piss splattered all over the seat.. (such poor aim I can't even believe it) Women can be far more piggier
I stand back a couple feet and arch it into the urinal and stare straight at the guy next to me, to invite him to look. I'm cool like that.

I got in trouble at work for doing this once. and the victim was a black guy. He must've had a small penis if mine offended him.

I hear ya Dyna, I have, what I consider anyway, incredible powers of "holding it in", and then when I'm ready I can blast a stream for quite a few yards. When I was younger I won $10 for being able to piss "up, over the edge and into" a construction dumpster. LMFAO, those things are like 10 feet tall. LMFAO.

I went and got head at a glory hole in some chicks apartment one time. Sad part was I didn't even have the satisfaction of having an actual hole for my glory. It was a slice cut into a bedsheet that she had cut, and then hung it in a doorway....

Fuckin A.

There's a lesson here people: if you're going to suck an anonymous guy's cock, at least have the courtesy to cut a hole in a bathroom stall door. Lazy bitch!

I couldn't even lean forward, because I would have fallen right through the sheet and ruined the element of anonymity. Sometimes you just don't want to know what's on the other side, ya know?
When I am at a stand up toulet I push hard as I can and try to.splatter the next guy or fart as loud as I can and walk away. Its the bathroom right fuck em. Nothing better then farting and pissing it relieves everythimg
Sorry for but guys you can agree with me. I live In the country so when I wake up with a hard on and got to pee I love walking out the back door and just letting it flow no boxers no.clothes but naked pissing in the wind my gf hates it but I love it