Can we stop with this "medical" marijuana crap?


ok, i have been doing alot of research lately into medical marijuana and legalization, and the more i read, the less i understand this stupid outlaw. is the government just keeping marijuana illegal so they don't have to admit there wrong? i live in new york state, and we'll most likly have MMJ soon, but only for people with a "life threatening" illness...why? i smoke to help me sleep at night, i have had trouble sleeping since i was very little, but toke Big Blue (my bong) and im out, nothing els helps me sleep, sleeping pills make me sick.
so why does the government act like marijuana is so bad? they act like its crack or somthing. if something as safe as marijuana is going to be illlegal then stop makeing oxycotin!
so can we just stop with this medical crap? just legalize it! it would not only save money, it would genorate it! our gorvernment spend more money with pot illegal, then if they would just legalize it.
prohabition dose not work, did they not figure that out in the 30s? naa it will work this time!
to me and pritty much every one els in america the benifets outwaigh the risks...wait, what are the risks again? i can't think of any


Well-Known Member
Marijuana use is a communist plot to make Americans lazy. They are trying to topple our economy!

Fuck did you see that UFO? Jesus nearly hit me - where did it go? Did you see it?


KDH here is some of what is going on and why you aren't where you should be right now, and maybe a bit of midwest news for the rest of alla you hard cores ha ha

ok, we got a core of unelected cops in state and federal government. they are who Actually runs a whole lot of this entire country. and they don't like you one bit cause you don't talk like they do or dress like they do or know them etc. and you smoke pot. we agree so far?

and the friends the Do have? have loads I mean LOADS of money and they sell those shiny, four colored cardboard boxes of pills... and those friends own serious influence with these unelected bastards who should be fair, but what's that when you got real power, right? example? ok

Ex CIA Chief and Prezidenchal GHW Bush didn't even know what it was like to be in a grocery store! some of them live in that different of a world than you and I do.

We are being pulled thru a knot hole getting pot legalized because these unelected bastards don't want us even alive. we are Forced to take tiny baby steps to get legalization because of the judicial refusal to give us an even playing field... but we are slowly winning. Baby steps are going to lead to walking. First you get us medical users legal.

You don't do that because I Like you to; you do baby steps because the pukes can't stop them from happening so well.

Baby steps don't just look like medical marijuana, either. They also look like when we wobbled the Iowa Board of Pharmacy and they flipped! they fucking flipped! omg we wobbled the pharmacy board in Iowa and that doesn't get us one gram of access, but it may well get us the precious reschedule. The whole world will shake with when Iowa gets this done because another baby step is to go after the dea pukes with that very tiny, weak reschedule that has been done Picture Perfect and opens an agency law door into the dea's brain and little Iowa will change the world when we get that done. baby steps, buddy.

But, it ain't done yet. HF 183 is a torpedo in the water and I just lobbied the governor and a room full of senators and representatives to the Iowa house to stop that cop shit and let the reschedule happen. Shit is served hot in Iowa right now. And another baby step? I made little musolini shake my hand. He looked like he had ahold of a snake. But, he had to touch me... a voice for marijuana. baby step

oh, yeah, we Know they call in their rotten favors against us. oh, we know. but baby steps will gently keep on like hitting a big bell with a feather... it will ring if we don't quit.

Do the cops back here know that's what I'm doing? you bet cher ass they do! my phone is tapped, my old lady's garbage is gone thru and the cops called her asking her if they could get to me, and they been running into my car a couple of times, too. not to mention the crow bar on the window, but hey.

It's flat out fucking dangerous for me to do what I am doing. But, the baby steps will crush them.

We do legalization on medical pot first and then Then you got your thin edge of the wedge for full legalization. We Medicals step up in front of the soldiers First and then you get your turn.

When those little old ladies on their canes came up to the podium in Des Moines Iowa to speak to the Iowa Board of Pharmacy and tell the whole world they smoke pot in Iowa and all those TV cameras were on us and the creeps of the Office of Drug Control Policy were in the room in their suits and black ties I have never felt so proud in my life of being with them or of seeing their courage. Medical Marijuana is real. It is needed. It is possible. We can do it.

At least John Kennedy fired that rat bastard anslinger in my lifetime. It's not going as fast as any of us would like, that's for sure. But, with the baby steps, it will go forward.

Oh, and Florida just fired the entire Office of Drug Control Policy, too. haaa

a couple fewer oinks to drag sick women out of their wheelchairs with

baby steps, buddy.